Doomed Damian

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Yuna P.O.V

Yuna spoke amazingly calm but you could hear the anger that came from her words.


Yuna:Why!You left that Charmander in the rain!It could have died!

Damian took up his pokeballs and put them on his belt.


Yuna have had it.She dragged Damian on the ground by his arm and leaned him against the counter.Nurse Joy came out.

Nurse Joy: Charmander is going to be fine.

But then she saw Yuna glaring at a boy so fiercely that it could give a Gyarados and Dragonite shivers and have them beg for their lives.

Nurse Joy: What's wrong?

Brock:Yuna heard this boy boasting to his friends how he left that Charmander out in the rain.

Damian:What?I don't want weaklings like that.

Yuna: I'm going easy on you so you better not push your luck.

Damian shut his mouth.

Nurse Joy:That Charmander waited for you in the rain.You may be a trainer but I won't accept such cruelty. Everyone follow me,bring him.

Damian:I ain't going nowhere.


Chansey: Chansey!(Don't even think about it)

Chansey looked ready to give Damian a good dose of Double Slap.

Yuna:I like this Nurse Joy.

Damian: How can a Chansey look so threatening?

Yuna:They may have a kind nature but sometimes you past their limits.

Chansey:Chansey Chansey!(And you certainly passed the limits.)

Damian gulped and nodded signaling he'll go.

They followed Nurse Joy to Charmander's room.Charmander was up but was laying down still not having much energy.

Nurse Joy: Charmander.

Charmander looked up and cried in happiness.

Charmander:Char Char(You came!)

Damian: Don't look so happy,I didn't come here willing you weakling they forced me to.

Charmander looked taken back.

Yuna gave Damian a glare so fierce,he whimpered.

Yuna:I know this is hard for you but it was either you found out or you'd still be waiting on that stump.

The way she spoke to Charmander made it seem impossible that she was just angry two seconds ago.

Marine:I still think he deserves some punishment.

Nurse Joy was still thinking about how familiar Damian's name is then she remembered.

Nurse Joy:So you're the one abusing Pokemon.

Damian started to sweat.


Nurse Joy: Officer Jenny told me that a trainer named Damian was abusing his Pokemon.They tried to catch him but he's always up and about going different places to not get caught.

Forrest:He abused Pokemon?!

Yuna: You're a jerk,you know that!

Misty:You shouldn't even be called a trainer.

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