Fossil Hunting

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Yuna P.O.V

The group was staying on Cinnabar Island for the day because the ferry won't return until tomorrow.

Brock: I'm gonna go catch a Shuckle.I've been wanting one for a while now to help me with my medicine.

Ash:Mist and I are going to sight see.

Yuna:More like on a date.

Misty blushed a crimson red.

Ash: Something like that.

Yuna: Anyways,I'm heading to the Prehistoric Canyon.

Marine:And me and Forrest are gonna go with Brock and see new Pokemon.

Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur (And we're gonna make sure they don't get in trouble)

Brock:So we know what we are gonna do then.

Everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

When Yuna arrived at the Prehistoric Canyon she saw few people digging.

Yuna:They must be looking for fossils.


Yuna: Fossils carry a piece or trace of organism from the past like a skeleton,leaf,shell....


Yuna:How about we try and find?


They went to a spot and Sky and Miyura helped them digging.

Yuna:I found one!


They looked at the fossil curiously.

Sky:Shinx Shinx(What is it mom?)

Yuna: It's a Sail Fossil.Amoura can be reincarnated from it.

Yuna put it in her bag and they kept searching.

Sky:Shi Shinx(Mom!I found one!)

Yuna:This is an Old Amber.One of the rarest fossils.Great Work,Sky.

Mullo: Pikachu(But how are they gonna be reincarnated?)

Yuna: There's a Pokemon Research Lab not far from here. They have a machine in their lab.

Yuna walked with Mullo, Miyura and Sky to the Lab.

Yuna knocked on the door.
An old man opened the door.

???:Can I help you?

Yuna:Yes.My name is Yuna and I have a Sail Fossil and an Old Amber I'd like to revive.

???: Excellent!An Old Amber! I'm Professor Willow!Right this way!

Sky'a fur cackled with electricity from being surprised.

Once they were in,they followed the scientist through many hallways and turns.Then they stopped at a room with a glass and through it they saw Pokemon.


Willow: Hmmhm.

Yuna:And Omanyte and Omastar too.

A knock was heard.

Willow: Excuse me.I'll be back.

Yuna nodded and continued to watch the Pokemon.


Yuna:Huh?Oh Hi guys!

Marine:Brock caught a Shiny Shuckle and we went to show you but you weren't there then a nice man told us you headed to the Research Lab!

Yuna Mew DoveWhere stories live. Discover now