Seventh Heaven

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In a state of happiness.



It hurts.

When you get too close—

It hurts.

If Love is really good—

You just want more.

Even if it throws you to the—





Brave Love Chapter Seven: Seventh Heaven



“Why does this oven have a maximum temperature of 200?? That’s like—”

“Hansel,” I facepalmed, “It’s in degree Celsius.”

“O-Oh, yeah—” My brother cast a quick glance at Giselle, who was hiding a smile behind her hand.

There was a heavy ‘clunk’ coming from the kitchen counter, and we turned to see Xander setting a couple of grocery bags on the table top.

“I tried my best to remember the ingredients you guys used to use at the bakery,” Giselle’s brother shrugged off his blazer and loosened his tie. “Not sure if it’s enough.”

He probably bought two times the amount we need.

I took a peek in the bags, and sure enough—Xander bought too much.

“So…Is um, strawberry shortcake alright for you, Giselle?” I asked tentatively, going up to Xander’s sister.

She beamed, nodding. “Chocolate Chip!”

“U-Um, we could combine strawberries with some chocolate chips if you’d like, b-but do we have any…?” I glanced towards Xander worriedly.

Xander cleared his throat.

“She meant: I missed you,” He translated with a laugh, ruffling Giselle’s hair.


A word that was so familiar,


So foreign.


“O-Oh…so it wasn’t about chocolate chips…?” My head tilted to the side in confusion.

“Not really. But I did get some anyway. If you were wondering,” Xander smiled appealingly, rolling up his sleeves.  

I blinked, searching the bags once again.

Pulling out a packet of top-grade chocolate chips, I gulped.

I noticed my hands trembling as I reached for a mixing bowl placed on the counter top.

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