On Cloud Nine

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In a state of blissful happiness.



Happiness used to chase—

To carry, to lift, to brace—

It used to catch—

Whatever that could not latch.


Happiness used to smile—

To laugh, to caress, to possess—

Those who walked down the aisle.



Happiness hit him,

Like a blade in the back—


Happiness hit him,

Like a train on track—


Happiness hit him,

Like death’s plaque.

Happiness made him a hollow boy,

Who smiled and smiled in empty joy.


Brave Love Chapter 9: On Cloud Nine



The cashier stared openly as she glanced at the ingredients in the shopping cart—including a small pink bottle.

I didn’t notice it at first—smiling sheepishly and placing the items onto the counter one by one as I sat in the cart. Xander was piling package after package of beef, licking his lips hungrily.

Once all the items were neatly produced on the counter top, the cashier simply raised a brow.

“I hope you’re not going to put that into what I’m guessing is going to be lasagna,” She pointed to the transparent squeeze bottle with a strawberry design printed on it.

My eyes widened and my lips parted in shock and embarrassment.

“W-Wait why is this—um, I’m so sorry, I think we made a mistake, I’ll go put this back—” I began, scrambling for the embarrassing bottle, but it was soon swept out of my reach.

Xander had passed the squeeze bottle to the attendant before I could get my hands on it, and there was a triumphant smirk on his face. “Oh, no worries. You can go ahead and scan that.”

A man behind us scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“Sure,” The cashier shrugged, proceeding to scan the pink-tinted bottle with an indifferent expression. “I know some people who are into food play.”

I blinked in confusion at the random comment about food.

Xander raised an amused brow as he slid his wallet out of his back pocket. “Hm, really?”

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