Happy Birthday

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It's Chip's Birthday! ^^ I decided to write something because he has been an absolutely sweetie in this book, and really, sometimes I feel that I give him too much to work with.

Guilt? Maybe I am guilty of guilt :'D

Chip really doesn't have any friends. Chip isn't someone you can fall in love with easily, simply because his perfection makes you see the flaws in yourself. And if you did—if you fell in love with Chip, then I really think that you are someone special :')


"Um, Xan...?" Chip blinked, holding the door open in surprise. "W-What are you doing?"

His fiancé had both hands flat against the ground, providing the distance between him and the laminate flooring. Most importantly (priorities, Chip, priorities), he was not wearing a shirt.

"Push-ups," Xander smirked effortlessly as he lowered himself to the ground with one hand and rose again. "Wanna join me?"

His angel pouted, knowing that it was simply a taunt. "No thanks."

"Aw, come on."

Chip tried to put on his best glare. "Y-You just love showing-off don't you?" He placed the cake given by his new neighbors as a welcoming gift on the kitchen counter in a careful motion. "Mrs. Shelly next door baked this for us."

"You'll get fat if you eat all of that by yourself," His fiancé teased, still going at the push-ups with the most unbelievable stamina that Chip had ever seen. Well, not that he had seen many men do push-ups up close and personal.

"I-I won't! You're so mean," The smaller frame crossed his arms indignantly, tone defensive. "I'm not talking to you anymore, where's Giselle? She'll eat the cake with me," He stuck his tongue out.

"You know I love you," Xander smirked with a wink. His angel turned away with a huff.

"Ew what's this on the floor??" Giselle emerged from her drawing room, a false look of disgust on her face. "Is that a Xandie? Eeww!"

"Shut up Giselle."

"You shut up!" She rolled her eyes, turning to Chip with a beam. "Chocolate Chip!"

There was a glow that lit up her face as she lunged at the other—a certain habit that developed after her successful operation.

For now; she was sure that someone would catch her when she fell;

Or rather, that she'd be able to catch herself.

"Uwa! Giselle!" Chip laughed, returning the teenager's happy embrace. "Look what Mrs. Shelly gave us!"

"Ooo, what's it? What's it?" The girl hurried over to the box on the counter, and as soon as she did—


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