What's good for the heart?

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Hello my dear bakers <3 Cuppie here.

Hehe, some of you might have found it weird that I didn't leave an Author's note in the previous cupdate (JJ copyrighted XD) at all, and I apologize for that. My derpy words would have spoiled the amazing atmosphere that Chip and Xander had set up.

Well—partly because of that, and partly because I wasn't in the correct state to speak either :P I mean; I SPENT 4 HOURS WRITING HALF OF THAT CHAPTER NOT BREATHING (just kidding, I'd be dead by now) and and then I was crying and then my heart was like: THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR A HUMAN.

But I've gotta say; I've never really cried tears of happiness or relief before...er, until Xander proposed aflkajldkjf by the way the proposal was easily written (unexpectedly), and I think it's because I've been wanting to write it for a really long time but it's just weird that I KNEW how Xander would propose because...because well, I-I'm not Xander O.o Aanyways, u-um I kinda thought about how I'd like the heart to be moved, to be touched by his words—so there was a little of the 'ideal' inside, but of course, in the end, I couldn't resist Xander's cursing and just a little messing up because hey, he's nervous too XD

Hehe, so here I am now, about to tell you what's in it for us ahead

The last cupdate (JJ strikes again!) for Brave Love will be around next week, during the weekend as usual, hopefully before the Wattys because I'd like to enter both Baked Love & Brave Love (eep I'm scared). It is an epilogue, as expected :> I hope everyone enjoys it. I'm planning warm and fuzzies everywhere.

Onward! To the next book :> So (again, as expected) the Baked series is a trilogy (BECAUSE LORD OF THE RINGS *cough cough*) and well, I guess it's my writing style to bring things full circle. So we go from the first book that is full of happiness, to a bitter-sweet, to one that it (hopefully) sweet again.

Oho, but is marriage really that sweet after all?


We'll know in the next book.

Just a little notice though; the last book about Xander and Chip's married life (EEP *imagines living in the same house* *imagines furniture shopping* *imagines a dog and a cat and a a...hedgehog* *imagines Giselle making derpy jokes all day*) will, um, unfortunately, be released at the end of the year.

Ah, I'm terribly sorry ;__; I understand that most of you really like this series out of all my others—

But I really want to finish Human :'> I think I'm good to go after a few months of horrible block from that (EEP K PROJECT WHY) and I've got a direction in which I look forward to.

So what's coming up?

1. Completing Human. (By the way, Human is a short story :> So it won't take really long. The magic of it is that it can't last long like how the Baked series can because...I don't know O.O it's just that way. Human is meant to be read shortly, and yet, learn so many things from it.)

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