Beyond, Infinity

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A gentle hush cloaked the land; and the faint bells of Christmas could be heard in the distance.

There were warm lights from every house that lit up the small town, as the pale moon hung alone in the sky.

It watched—as a young man stepped out of his bakery, a black scarf wrapped around his neck that provided the warmth he needed against the cold.

However snug and toasty he felt it to be in Baked Love, there was a small smile on his face at the thought of someone waiting for him at home.

And that—indeed, was worlds apart from the empty house he resided in for years.

For there was a certain beauty that was often overlooked; in a home that provided something more than just shelter.

This, the young man understood perfectly well. And so despite the tremble in his fingers and the wisps and swirls of translucent white that escaped his small lips, he clutched his bag close to his chest, and made his way to the bus stop.

He waits for the bus, slightly—alone.

But that wasn't how a Christmas night should be spent, shouldn't it?

For Chip had never forgotten, how he—during that very Christmas night—had seen a boy wandering on the streets with his sister. Cold, silent, and certainly; alone.

Chip had never forgotten, how he—during that very Christmas night—had thought about how it felt to be wandering on the streets on a cold Christmas night.

He thought it felt horrible.

But on this strange, silent, frigid night; the young man knew that there was a certain warmth amidst the first of the snowflakes that began to fall from the sky.

Ever so gently.

With his gaze raised to the sky, Chip smiled to no one in particular; for there was every reason to smile in this beautiful world.

How he managed to do so, despite the cruel past though; I'm sure—

No one will know.

There was a simple reason Chip Honeycutt would give, had you asked if there was good in this world worth fighting for. He was sure of it—as much as Samwise Gamgee was.

How simple was Love, really?

As easy as dropping the ring into the fire?

For though that seemed simple indeed;

Why does hesitation grip our hearts that bleed?

It was simply complex; the emotion that runs through the mind which struggles to decipher it and sort out a rational thought of exit. But before it can, the heart shall act.

And it shall act with such brave cowardice that perhaps; the mind shall be shocked.

That is the strangeness of the nonentity of Love—the being that exists in the non-existent.

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