Chapter One: Arrival

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It had begun to snow heavily, the clouds netted the sky like a cold sweater. The warm sun shunned aside, and winds carried the howls from the distant creatures as the night approached with its playful hands. The snow began to fall even more a little and soon, when the creatures would step outside with their parched mouth and hungry belly, the snow had covered almost all the little town of Rosalind.

The town was nothing more than a stop by for those who travelled by car or for the trains to reload their supplies. Set in, almost a historical manner with straight houses and a big statue of a woman holding her baby. As the night advanced the winds began to blow harder, in the far south of the town there came three lights, dancing as they moved. Those lights then seemed to be divided into pairs as they moved inside the town of Rosalind.

Six bright lights heaved towards the town. They came very slowly with a speed slower than the slowest creature. But as they creeped near, the lights soon revealed the three big car which blasted these lights. They came in, stopping almost three houses away from the statue. Then out came a big man with broad shoulders and a goatee. He was wearing a brown jacket and blue gloves. He stepped in the snow and heaved his way towards a house.

He knocked on the door. There was no reply. He knocked harder, yet no one came. He went back to another car beside his and muttered something. Soon a woman stepped outside; she was slim and tall; her body was straight and cut instead of the rounds. The mouth was covered with a yellow scarf. Both separated and began knocking on other doors. They knocked on it repeatedly but each one bore no fruit.

The two people soon met and went for the third car. They talked inside to someone and then started to walk towards the house just opposite to the big statue. They noticed it and one of them said something in the others ear. Then they first knocked on the door but no call. Then one with bulk broke down the door and they entered in. The slim one came outside and motioned the third vehicle to come here.

The car rolled towards her. It reached and two people, one man and a woman stepped outside, they quickly rushed inside, and the door closed shut.

'Will this do?' spoke the woman who stepped out of the third car,

'Don't know, seems pretty much okay.' said the bulky man.

The man who had stepped out of the third car was walking inside the rooms. He surveyed all of them, looking the ceiling, then at the windows and then the empty rooms. He stepped out of the bedroom and looked at the three people standing.

'This will do.' he said and gave a sagely nod.

The slim woman stepped towards the other woman and hugged her,

'Bring in the baby, we'll stay here.' she said. The woman stepped outside complying with the slim woman's order.

'Jack, we still need some fire.' said the sagely person.

The bulky man whose name was Jack went towards the man and asked,

'Is there a fireplace?'

The man nodded and then he moved towards the door when the woman came inside carrying her baby. He caressed the baby and looked back at Jack.

'We do need fire because Rose here cannot sustain this weather.' he said,

The slim woman came near Jack and sat down. She inspected the place and took out a lighter. Jack looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

'What? Tony did it. He must've left it in the car.' said the slim woman.

'Matt? Could you bring in the food please?' said woman with a baby.

The sage man got up and pulled his coat and strapped it. He went outside and the slim woman had finally got the fire lit. Matt came inside with a big brown bag of food. There was mostly tinned food, but it also contained packets of baby food. The woman with the baby smiled as Matt opened the bag. She hadn't expected this to occur, but she did know that Rose would need her feeding. Jack looked at the slim woman, who was rubbing her hands near the fire.

'Jenny? You okay?' he asked, Jennifer smiled and nodded. Jack got up and went towards Matt who was looking for the food. He took him to the side to talk private.

'This wasn't supposed to be like this.' said Jack, all that Matt could do was nod and look at Jack. He picked one of the tinned can and handed it to Jack.

'We all had no idea that it would turn out as this,' he looked outside the window, the storm was coming, 'We are all trapped here for a while, once the storm passes, we both could head down in your car and get someone.' he said.

Jack nodded in agreement. He moved closer to the fire and placed the tin can on the ground so that it could heat. Jenny looked at him, she observed his face change from happy to worry. She moved closer to him and Matt joined in.

'Lisa bring the baby here, it's warm now.' said Matt and the woman with her baby joined the trio. They sat near the fire in a semi-circular manner, heating themselves and understanding the situation which they were under.

'Did you guys remember that last time we did like this?' chimed Jenny, 'It was like 8 years back when the school decided to take us to that camp, then the weather got really bad and we were just stuck inside the cabin with our roommates.' she said.

'Oh yeah, I remember, how could I not forget that it was first time I saw Gale naked. He was getting a shower but forgot to take his towel and ran back to his room when I smashed into him as I made my way to bathroom.' added Jack, he smiled at the thought.

'Well, you and Matt were in a different cabin, but I and Lisa were in the same cabin and we all couldn't stop comparing our breast sizes.' said Jenny.

Everybody laughed. The tension broke down a little. The winds continued their howling and the snow fell mercilessly. In the 72 houses village of Rosalind there was only one house which was lit. Like, it was marked because rest other houses sat empty with their residents long gone. If it hadn't been for the house in which the four friends were staying, the village was a total ghost-town.

Total words:- 1125

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