Chapter Four: Disagreement

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8'o clock in the morning. The second day of the four friends, one severely injured and three gravely worried about him. This wasn't a fun morning at all. But Jack had the best night after he slept. He woke up after some time, his head was all clear and he felt rather energetic and refreshed. He began to get up, but his belly gave a jolting pain.

'Don't stress it!' exclaimed Lisa,

He turned to look at her. She looked really sleepy, there were dark circles below her eyes. Her movement was slow. He tried to ignore the pain while getting up. He went towards Lisa and sat next to her. The room was freezing, the fire was gone out.

'Did the baby keep you awake?' he asked,

'No, she slept fine. It was you.' she said and looked at him.

Jack was puzzled, why did they stay awake for him? He began asking when Jenny came from another room.

'You got up? Thought you would sleep for like 2 hours or more.' she said.

'Why did you guys stay awake?' he asked with a little frustration.

He was a little confused too. He had seemed to sleep alright after the mysterious incident and if they wanted to figure out how did he get hurt, then they should have really kept their patient awake.

'Jack, you remember when you cried last night?' questioned Jenny,

Jack looked at her, he fixed his eyes and thought for a minute. He thought through all the thoughts that came in his mind. There had been dreams, goody good ones and lucid ones. He recalled being on a talk show and pleasing the audience with a witty answer. Then he went even further back to witness how good his acting skills were, then there was a flashback memory.

He was in basement getting hands in the early Halloween candies his mother used to hide when she went shopping. He had sneaked his way in through the window. The candy packet was high up for a 12-year-old Jacky, so he grabbed one of his dad's medical books which were thick as pillars and topped them one above the other. His hands reached the plastic packet when he heard the front door open. The door creaked as he heard his mother exclaiming in surprise,

"I wasn't hoping on a surprise visit Josh!" she said,

"Josh? Who's Josh?" thought the little Jacky,

He grabbed the candy packet and got down from the books. He climbed up the stairs and reached the door. Putting his ear on the slim door he heard their conversation,

". . . Paul never does like the way you do Josh. I just love it so much." said his mother,

"Don't worry Brenda, I know all the spots. So what he is a medical doctor, I know what keeps you on the edge." sniggered the unknown man.

Jacky didn't know who the guy was, but he sure knew what they were talking about. Then he heard them going upstairs. He opened the door of the basement and went inside the living room, there was the jacket if the man Josh and his mom's skirt fallen on the floor like removed in a hurry.

Jack snapped out of the memory. It bought tears to him, but he sucked them back. No he didn't want to think now,

'No I don't remember.' he said,

'Well, you screamed so much. We all got up and saw you. You were squirming inside your bag like a worm or something.' said Jenny, she held his hand and looked into his eyes with terror.

'We thought you were ... ' she began to say when she broke into tears. She left him and went by the fireplace. Lisa continued,

'She was the first one to see you. Your eyes were open, and you were sweating waterfalls. Matt opened the bag and you kind of stopped breathing, we were all terrified. Matt checked your pulse and said that it was racing. He tried to pump

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