Chapter Thirteen: Problems

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Matt opened the door, Rose was tied to his chest. She was sleeping. Matt worried about her, she seemed to be sleeping all the time or may be because the four of them too preoccupied with themselves. A father's worry, that what he felt. The timid looking girl will get into lots of trouble over the course of the years and her father, whom she will still call father even when she knows he is not, will lower his eyes and say, ' I worry about you Rose. ' every time the same phrase.

Matt began opened the door, inside the fire was gone out. Jack and Jenny were up. Matt looked towards Lisa, she was wrapped in those bloodstained scarves, her clothes were ripped from parts where Matt couldn't reach. It was funny how little he remembered about the even that occurred only an hour ago. But the definition of time had seemed to change in the duration of their stay in Rosalind.

Jack looked at him and then looked back. They all were shivering. Matt looked outside, the snow was getting thicker and thicker. Their cars seemed to have become invisible in white blanket of snow. It never stopped.

Matt placed Rose down and closed the door. The howling winds lowered their voices and faint whisper of evil played in the background. Matt sat down and looked at Lisa, she was awake but shivering too. He touched her. Then flinched, he looked at Jenny, her head was on her arms resting on her legs. Jack fiddled with her fingers.

' What happened?' Matt asked Jack,

Jack looked at Matt but said nothing. They weren't on talking terms, Matt recalled.

' Look Jack, I am sorry for what I said before. I shouldn't have said things before I experience them. But - ' Tears started to roll down from Matt's eyes.

I care! I care and you care for god's sake, Matt thought, oh why did I say that? He began to sniffle like a little child, he bends until his forehead touched the ground.

Jack watched him, he wasn't enjoying the struggle within Matt. He understood but things weren't about Matt and him. He was worried about what he saw when he went into the grey fog. He moved towards Matt.

'It's not about you Matt, don't feel guilty about it. You made your stand on what you believe, I would've done the same thing.' he said,

(Leave me!)

Matt looked up, his eyes full of fear and terror. He was breaking, some people do. Some people, like Matt, don't understand that the universe works on a totally different scale than humans, somehow our scale and universe's scale is connected, that connection isn't key to everything. It's the key for understanding the concept of everything.

'What do I do?' he asked,

'What do we do Matt.' he looked at Jenny, who looked at him and Matt. She came near them. Lisa's hand moved.

'She has a high fever.' Matt said,

'We know. She told us.' Jenny said,

Matt looked at Jenny, and asked, 'What did she say?'

'It was not your fault Matt.' Jenny places a hand on Matt's wrist.

Matt looked at Lisa, she was staring at the ceiling, there was blood on her neck and cheeks. Tears streaked out of her eyes. Matt remembers his dream. It played scene by scene in his mind. He couldn't remember all but parts of it. He grabbed Lisa's hand,

'I'm gonna get you out of this Lisa.' He spoke.

Lisa smiled a little, her shaking hands collapsed into a fist with her little finger upright. A pinky promise?

'Yes, A pinky promise,' said Matt and he intwined his little finger into hers.

An hour passed, Matt had ripped open the bag of medicines that they had bought along, and he began giving Aspirin for the headaches that Lisa was facing. They also acted as fever stopper. But too much Aspirin was not a how a doctor would treat his patient. They took the wooden log on which they used to sit and now they pondered upon breaking it. They had to light the fire or else Lisa would be catching hypothermia anything now. She was kept wrapped under jackets and T-shirts. Rose was restricted from going close to Lisa as she because of the viral aspect of cold. So, she sat there watching the grown-ups whack their brains and find a good answer for everything.

'We need to cut it.' Jack said,

Matt looked around for something sharp, but the cabin was full wood. He rummaged through their supplies and only came up with something which barely qualifies as a sharp thing: A hair pin. Jack looked through his bag pack and found nothing but a thick book of maps. He threw it on the ground and rubbed his hands. It was getting very cold now.

They assembled back near the wooden log and stared at it. Matt fidgeted with his fingers searching for answers. The fire was the first obstacle, food was the next. Jack looked into the fireplace and then looked up into the vent, it was practically blocked. The air must escape through some gap. There was a low grumble, and everybody heard it in the silence, Jack looked back.

'I'm hungry.' He said,

Jenny looked at the book of maps and picked it up and flipped through it. She wished she was somewhere near the beach, warming herself. Some place like California. Then she looked up, puzzled. That thought just randomly occurred to her. Rose let out a loud wailing which grabbed everyone's attention. Matt lifted her up and began to pat her, but she didn't stop crying.

'She's hungry.' Lisa said,

The situation was getting pretty desperate, so Jenny did what came to her at that instant. She grabbed the lighter and lit the book on the fire and threw it in the fireplace. It glowed steadily, ashes were already beginning to form with a lot of smoke. But they had fire, for some time at least. Then she picked up few tinned cans and began heating. Her friends watched her, they all knew Jenny was the one who would break first but seeing her handle the situation was an improvement. Jenny thought about her mom.

Within 15 minutes, lunch was prepared and served. 

Word count:- 1063

Dream Trap || ONC 2021 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن