Chapter Fourteen: Pulled in

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Matt gave another Aspirin to Lisa as she laid down in her sleeping bag, she was very weak. She didn't speak much, her whole body was hot, and you could see her eyes drooping. She looked like an old lady waiting for death to come, holding her hand she could leave this godforsaken trap. She muttered something to Matt and then closed her eyes. Matt knew that if she slept, she would dream again, and the mysterious thing would happen again. But Lisa needed rest to recover. Their only hope was that if she felt asleep in a dreamless sleep. Matt caressed her hair gently, she had suffered a lot, more than anybody else. One thing that humans fear is dying in their sleep, when you are at peace with yourself and the world, when death comes sneakily into your brain and when you are suddenly reminiscing about your childhood days, your teenage days, and the adult days. Somehow these memories are always happy, joyful and they often seem clearer than before, but this doesn't alert us in any way. That's when you began to feel free, just for five minutes we begin to feel that all the pain, stress, anger and fear have vanished. When we feel alive and energetic for those minutes, those five minutes which is scientifically describe as a way in which our body gives off all of its last energy and then we begin to open our eyes, a white light shines in and then you can't hear anything, can't smell anything. The fear doesn't come because our body knows its time to die. Just as you begin to smile, you are dead.

Jack shuffled near the fireplace, the last remaining flame was gone. The room was already cooling, Jenny looked at the wooden log trying to figure out a way to cut it into pieces. Rose was asleep again on her bed. Outside, the winds stormed on the doors and windows making them rattle but everything was fixed like a stage. The big statue was half-covered with snow. The sky was black with clouds, it was terrifying. In the 72 housed village no one but four people stayed. No car would every stop-by here, no bird would ever fly inside. Because Rosalind didn't exist, and the world cared less if four people went missing out of three billion. It was like those HP Lovecraft books, one mysterious place floating into the cosmos, inside the earth cosmic horror.

'I found a way,' Jenny exclaimed.

Matt and Jack turned towards her, she was already rolling the log far away into the cabin. The boys joined in. Jenny looked at the glass window carefully then she touched the edge of the window, feeling for something. Then she reached for the corner and smiled.

'Jen what are doing?' asked Jack,

'Finding a nail,' Jenny replied.

She dug her finger into the corner of the window and struggled with something, Matt moved closer to her and looked at the tiny nail which was hammered into the wood.

'You can't pull it out.' He said,

'Lemme try at least,' Jenny pushed,

She quickly grabbed the hair pin and began to stuff it inside the nail.

Jack looked around, he went inside the second bedroom which was connected by a small corridor and thankfully there was a door to it. He opened the door and there it was, the hinges were rusted and coming out. He looked at the nails carefully then called for his friends. He began to shake the door.

'What?' Matt asked,

The door rattled for a while and Jack pulled it out with one tug, there was a creaking sound and nails fell down on the floor. Jack looked at Matt and then at the door. Matt helped Jack carry the door and they placed it on the ground. Jenny looked back and raised her eyebrows.

'We are using the door?' She asked,

'Only need to break it into pieces,' Jack said.

The door was weak and not as thick as the wooden log, Matt picked the door and placed its one side on the log.

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