Chapter Twenty two: Out

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Jack was squirming on the ground like a worm, there was no one in here. Matt bend down, Jack lay in a pool of blood. About six garden forks stuck from front and back, nose was broken, and legs were shattered. He got up on one elbow and whispered,

'I waited.'

Lisa was had closed her eyes searching for Rose, but she wasn't anywhere. Jenny crawled towards Jack.

'What happened?' She asked,

'I... r-resisted for far too long.' Jack said spitting blood.

'I can't find Rose.' Lisa said finally, Matt turned around.


'I looked hard, but she isn't here.' Lisa said shivering,

'Maybe she woke up, Oh my god.' Jenny said in shock. Lisa looked at her,

'NO! NO!!' She screamed, Matt held her.

'Maybe we can find her if we can make a trip back to Rosalind.' Matt spoke,

'We can't Jack is too much wounded we might lose our only chance.' Jenny argued. Jack looked at them. Then he looked at Lisa, she eyes were darting from here and there. She was crying hard, it broke his heart.

'I-I'll guh-go!' He forced himself to say, they looked at him,

'No, no you can't! We'll lose you!' Jenny shouted,

'But you'll have Rose.' Jack retaliated,


'Don't worry, I will try,' He coughed blood again, 'I-I'll try-'

'I love you, Jack!' Jenny held his hand, but Jack was dead. Pulled out of the dream. Jenny frowned and a moment later, everything was blacking out. They held each other's hand. Jenny kept looking at Jack's body, wishing that he would return soon.

The dream broke and they were pulled a level down. Into the empty city of Derkan.

Jack woke up in the cabin, he tried to get up, but the wounds were deep. He found Rose playing by herself. The fire was long gone. He looked at all their bodies. They were still intact although Jenny was bleeding. Matt had bled but it dried on his face. He went towards Rose and picked her up, he could barely stand. So he sat down next the to fire and took Rose in his arms,

'Let's make you sleep girl.' He said, he began to swing her slowly in his arms although it hurt. A lot. Rose looked at him with her glittering eyes.

Matt, Lisa, and Jenny woke up to the red sky and the black moon.

"Damn this place again!" Matt thought,

"What is this place?" Lisa asked, Jenny looked at both of them.

"Jenny we can read each other's thoughts." Lisa explained,

"Okay," Jenny said,

"We need to find a shelter, there is going to be a massacre here." Matt said getting up.

"Where is Rose? Where's Jack?" Jenny asked them,

"They'll probably dream, and I'll find them." Lisa said,

"Guys we need to move now!" Matt said,

They got up and began moving into the city, the winds blew again forcing them go back.

"Hold on!" Matt said,

But there was nothing to hold on to. The wind pushed them back, they were on the ground. Matt got up quickly and walked to the nearest house. He opened the door and motioned the girls to move inside.

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