Chapter 39- Alerion

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On the way to the big guard tower closest to the prison, we stopped by Diana's awesome car, which I have learned is a 1967 Chevy Impala, to get a few blankets and sweets I found in Wallmart. A Mars Bar and Snickers. My two favourites. And the good thing? We found lots of them. Also, Diana always talks about the car around me, so it's not that hard to pick up on its model.

We sit in silence on the cold cement of the guard tower, the sky full of dark shades of purple and pink. It's beautiful. But not as beautiful as Alex...

"C'mon Carl. It really does help you to get things off your chest" Diana says quietly, giving me one of her rare smile where she flashes her kind of straight teeth as well. I think I only saw her smile like that once. I think it was back at the farm when Daryl was teaching her how to ride a horse.

I sigh in defeat and sit down on top of the blankets, forgetting the grunting walkers for now. I know it may not be the smartest decision, but Dee always says my mental health comes first. Oh, 'Dee' is just a nickname for Diana.

"We needed medical supplies for Hershel so I went and found the Infirmary on my own. When I got back with the bandages, mom was angry that I went alone. I know I should have went to get the bandages from the van, but I didn't think of that..." I slowly say, not meeting the woman's hazel eyes.

Sure, Diana is amazingly awesome and a great friend... But I don't think she cares much for me. Not as much as she cares for Beth anyway. "Carl. Next time, get me to go with you. No matter what I'm doing. Okay? What you did was right, but get me next time you plan on going to explore the prison. I couldn't bare it if something happened to you..." She chuckles softly and play-punches me. Okay, maybe she does care. At least a little.

She doesn't show her caring side very often though. She's usually either joking around, yelling or not present at all. It's like she zooms out into another universe. It's quite entertaining to watch.

I play with the golden beads on my hat for a few seconds as the silence streches out. Should I tell her? I'm going to tell her. But what if she tells her? Do I really want to risk that?

"Diana...? You're pretty close with Alex, right?" I ask cautiously, looking up at the woman next to me.

Diana's pretty. She's got un-natural red hair that goes past her shoulders, soft hazel eyes and light freckles. You can see her brown roots pretty well now, since she hasn't dyed her hair in god knows how long. But the roots blend in with the faded red. I wonder what she'd be like before the apocalypse.

"Yeah..." She trails off, looking at me suspiciously. Do I tell her? No backing down now, Grimes. Be the man your mom always wants you to be but yells at you when yo actually try. "Does she ever talk about me...?" I ask quietly, feeling my cheeks get hot all of a sudden. Diana also blushes a lot. Especially when she's with Daryl...

Her eyes widen immediately and she jumps up, the widest smile spreading across her face. Sort of scary.

"Yes! Oh my fuc- frigging hell! You guys have to start talking more! She likes you a lot, if that answers your question." She shrieks and stops before swearing, re-phrasing what she was going to say. Diana pulls me into one of the tightest hugs I've been in since dad found us at the quarry. Alex... Alex likes me? This is awesome! I can't believe it! I'm going to talk to her tomorrow. I wonder what her hobbies are.

This chapter's from a different P.O.V for a change, like it? It's not as detailed since Carl isn't an overly clever smartass like Diana...
Maybe gonna keep on doing different P.O.V's every few chapters?
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Georgian RedneckOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora