Chapter 3- Afraid

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"Ya hear that?" Daryl asks, putting his finger in front of his pink lips. He isn't bad-looking with muscles and a raspy voice. But no. I need to keep my distance because guys are always bad news for me. Plus, I swore I'd try and stay away.

"I do. Sounds like a horse." I whisper in confusion. The galloping sound gets louder and louder. Closer and closer. A horse in the woods? Wow. This world really has fucked up...

"Diana! Are you here? Diana!" A female voice with a thick southern accent whisper-shouts. A surge of confusion and curiously washes over me.

Who is she? I start to jog towards the voice, dodging fallen trees and rocks. But I'm still keeping hidden. This might be a trap... But how does she know my name? "Come back!" Daryl bellows from behind me, not bothering about being quiet. Well that's my cover blown.

It can't be a walker. Last time I checked, they don't talk or ride horses in the middle of a forest. And they definitely wouldn't know my name.

I walk past the tree which I was hiding behind and spot a woman on a horse, her gaze scared. She's got short brown hair covered with a Cowboys hat. She has clean clothes and it's obvious that she doesn't lack anything vital like shelter or food. How does she know my name though?

"How do you know my name and who are you?" I ask suspiciously, reluctently approaching her. My hand is kept on my knife out of sight. The brown horse moves to stand in front of me, the thin girl reaching out a hand for me to grab. The horse is intimidating, with its height. I was never the biggest fan of horses.

"It's Glenn. He's been shot. Come. Quick." she says, worry evident in her voice and expression.

Fuck. No... It can't be! This is all my fault! I should have been with Rick and Carl in the first place! It should have be me. I grab her small hand and jump onto the horse right behind her without any grace. She's lying. Glenn hasn't been shot. He couldn't have.

"Hey! Where ya think yer goin'?" Daryl calls out, his crossbow aimed at the woman. He's obviously not happy with this plan. Well, I wouldn't be either of it was him going away with a stranger. "Rick said there are others stuck on the highway. There's a farm 2 miles North from here. The mailbox says Greene." And with that, we gallop away from the angry Daryl.

"Take care!" I shout back to Daryl, holding tightly onto the womans waist. Bloodstained now from my hands. I still can't believe this happened to Glenn... "I'm Maggie by the way. Don't worry about your boyfriend. He'll be okay. Hopefully." Maggie calls over the noise of the horse, ducking under a branch which almost collides with my face. Almost.

"He's not my boyfriend. How did it happen?" I choke out, my voice so quiet I don't think she heard me. Glenn was shot. The closest thing I had to a friend in this world. God forbid whoever shot him. That fucker better hide.

"He'll tell you when we get there!" she shouts as we jump over a fallen tree. Jesus. This is like a jungle. Who knew this forest could be like this. But if he can be the one to tell me, then that must mean he's well enough to talk.

I clutch onto her white shirt for my dear life as we land, and the horse starts galloping at full speed again.

This goes on for about twenty minutes before we near a steel gate, which I assume is theirs. Wait. We're going to stop and open it, right? She speeds the horse up, as if that was possible, and jumps. Nope. My eyes shut tightly, my stomach doing the flips as we land with a thud. The horse trots for a minute and then comes to a stop. I pry my eyes open.

"We're here. Hop off" she says hopping off herself, holding onto the black rein and tying it to a tall, green tree. That was wild and I never want to do it again. I slowly slip off, landing awkwardly and jog after her into a farmhouse. My legs feel like jelly and I hate it.

The house is really big with white walls and black wooden furniture. Colourful plants are set up on one of the wooden tables at the far end of the hallway. There are many family pictures hanging on the walls, but I don't bother paying attention to them. They're not important at the moment.

She turns down another hallway and opens a door, holding it open for me to come in. Is Glenn in here? Only one way to find out. I slowly walk  into the room and the sight almost breaks me. Glenn's laying on a double bed, a bandage wrapped around his stomach and looks realy pale. He probably lost a lot of blood.

"Diana" Glenn chokes out, coughing slightly. I look around the room, only to see a crying Carl and a wide-eyed Rick. "What happened?" I whisper and storm towards Glenns bed. The blood seems to be seeping through his bandage. It will need to be replaced soon.

"Can you guys leave us alone for a few minutes please?" Glenn wheezes, breathing heavily. He shouldn't talk too much to save his energy. He'll need it if he wants to recover. I look over to Rick and nod. I'd like to be alone with him.

I guess he took that as an answer because he's now taking Carls hand and leading him out the door. The door shuts itself and I gently sit on the bed, being extra careful not to hurt him any further.

"Are you alright?" I ask, wiping a tear away with the back of my hand. I've known him for what, a few hours? I shouldn't have waterworks flowing... But he's the first person that's been nice to me. The first person I spoke to and the first person that treated me like a normal human being.

He chuckles and shakes his head slightly.

"A man that lives here shot me. Mistook me for a walker. Stupid, right?" Oh god. How could you mistake someone for a walker for crying out loud? He's going to get it. I'll fucking skin the man alive.

"Glenn. I'm sorry, I should have went instead of you. If it was me with Rick and Carl, you wouldn't get hurt." I choke out, blinking yet another tear from my eye. I don't cry. I shouldn't.

"Well, now that you're here. We should get to know eachother better. After all, you're a stranger to me." he grins, poking my shoulder. How he managed to get the energy to do that I have no idea.

I let out a shaky, half-hearted laugh and nod. What else is there to do anyway? He shifts himself farther down the double bed and pulls my shoulders down, making me lay down beside him. This must be painful for him. Like, really painful. He hisses in pain.

But either way, I've not layed in a proper bed ever since this shit storm started and believe me it's like heaven.

I smile and kick off my black boots so they land with a soft thud. I'm sure if walkers were to come, Rick would get rid of them so I might as well get as comfy as I can. It doesn't really bother me that I'm laying next to a shirtless, bleeding man I barely know. Not one tiny bit. But he's Glenn, and I'm fairly sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt me in any way. He's not the type. Plus, he's a weak ass bitch right now.

I prop myself against the wooden headboard of the bed and grasp his pale hand gently in mine which is still stained from the squirels' and owls blood. I should wash this off as soon as I can. He looks at our hands and then up at me, smiling curiously. "What kind of music are you into?" He asks, giving my hand a gentle squeez. Here come the questions.

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