Chapter 17- The Road

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A month or so passed by quite fast, if you ask me.

The barn full of deadly walkers? Shane, Andrea, T-Dog, Daryl and I shot them. Unwillingly, though. Shane opened the barn door and set them free. We had no other choice. We had to protect us, the living. But Hershal saw them as sick people. The Greene's wanted us off their land. Not to mention that I had to face my fear of walkers for the first time in ages.

Beth fell into a catatonic state after Andrea shot her supposed 'mother'. She tried to kill herself by cutting her wrist with shards of glass from her bathroom mirror. That was really unexpected. And it angered and saddened me at the same time. I've got a particular history and experience with suicide. And now I know it's not the answer. Okay, maybe when you're in a world full of deadly beasts trying to tear your flesh off. Then that's somewhat acceptable. But Beth wasn't in any danger.

Hershel didn't handle it well though. He went to drink his anger and pain away to a bar that was relatively close to the pharmacy me and Daryl got the medicine from. Problem with that? He hasn't had a drop of alcohol since Maggie was born. And she's what, twenty three? Rick and Glenn went after him. Nobody really told me what happened there no matter how much I wanted to know. Just that they were ambushed and brought back a guy named Randall. A real asshole. As for me and Daryl? Nothing much. We had the odd conversations and that's about it. Nothing about the kisses has been brought up between the two of us.

"Did you hear the gunshots?!" The frantic Lori yells right into my left ear. Gees bitch, we're literaly next to you. No need to shout. In the last four weeks, she's been getting on my nerves a lot.

Carl, Rick and Shane are gone. Randall apparently 'escaped' on Shane's watch. Yeah right, as if I believe that. And if people do, then they're stupid and clueless. But Carl just disappeared. And it's not like I can exactly tell the group 'oh and by the way Shane wants to kill Rick'.

Gunshots echo through the field that me and Daryl drove the truck over not that long ago. My eyes focus more through the darkness, only light coming from the moon and the house.

But what I see sends involuntary chills run down my spine as we all stand on the cold porch of the house, looking at... "WALKERS!!!" I yell and point to dozens upon dozens of figures, stumbling after two figures which look like Carl and Rick.

Panick settles all around me as everyone screams that we have to run. Evacuate the farm. Now. Turn the lights off. Get the supplies. People around me scream. They should be quiet. Don't they know that the bastards like noise? Idiots. Although I'm pretty sure that by now the dead cunts have seen us. They're after us.

My mind slows down for a moment, thinking of all the possible outcomes and consequences that could come from this. But as if on a click of fingers, I start thinking rationally again.

I sprint into the old house and grab a canister full of water and another canister full of fuel from the floor by the door. Heavy shit. Definitely heavier than Daryl's crossbow. It's sort of good that we keep these in reserve just incase times like these.

'Think fast, Diana!'

I sprint towards my Impala which is parked next to the house, dumping the canisters both into the front seat.

The deadly, mindless killers are getting close. Too fucking close for my liking. I hate this. I despise the fact that we can't do anything but flee. There are too many to kill. And the gunshots will only attract more.

I jump into my baby, closing the door and turn on the ignition, driving towards the steps of the house as fast as the car can without crashing. I skid a little, but the car regains its balance relatively quickly.

"HURRY THE FUCK UP!" I yell at the still dazed people. What's wrong with them?! How long does it take for y'all to get moving? A month without any killing or walkers and they are dumbstruck.

Hershel's raspy voice rings above all the comotion. "This is my farm. I'll die here" no. No no no! He can't! He won't! I won't let him. But there isn't much I can do.

I see Daryl hop onto his motorcycle and head off towards the barn, the RV followin him. I can't make out who the driver is. Fuck. He better be careful. If he dies...

Rick and Carl have set the barn on fire... Are they nuts?! Holy shit Daryl. He's going straight towards death itself. My heads hurting from all this shit. This is all so terrifying and overwhelming.

Beth, Lori, T-Dog and a woman named Patricia make a desperate run for my car, but that's when the problem occurs. Patricia's hand gets grabbed by a nearby walker, immediately sinking it's rotten teeth into her shoulder. More and more come to the feast.

She gets devoured by walkers as her blood-curdling screams echo around, not letting go of the hand that belongs to the panicked Beth. Shit! No, let go you bitch. You can die, but I'm not letting Beth die.

I reach down my black boot and pull out the knife I hid there when me and Glenn were going through the cars on the highway the very first day I joined this group. Praise the lord if this is going to work. If not... I don't even want to think about that.

I take a quick but precise aim and throw the sharp knife at Patricia's head, piercing right through her skull. Pierce the skull. Sort of like 'Pierce The Veil'... Putting her out of her pain and releasing Beth. "Hurry up!"

The three of them jump into my baby hastily and close the doors just as the first walker was about to make a grab for them. I slam on the gas pedal and accelerate through the gates that me and Maggie jamp over on her horse when I heard Glenn was shot. GLENN! Where is he? No... No I can't loose him! I can't lose Daryl either.

It takes everything in my will to not turn the car around into the death trap. But Daryl. Shit. He's still there. But I have to trust him and Glenn. They're capable. Daryl isn't going to die. He's capable of surviving...

We drive in silence until we start nearing the highway where we were stuck on months ago and where Glenn and Daryl found me. "Whoa. I ain't going back there! Let's go to Fort Benning instead like Shane said!" T-Dog exclaims, pointing in the opposite direction we're headed. Is he crazy? Out of his mind? T-Dog has always been rational, but what's gotten into him?

"No. We should wait here for them to come!" Lori backfires, beads of salty tears falling out of her blue orbs. She doesn't know if her son and husband are alive. I can only imagine what that feels like and what pain she must be going through. But Rick is tough. And as log as Carl is with him, he's safe.

Lori and T-Dog start to argue about where to go, which goes on for about 5 minutes until I snap. I can't take this bickering anymore. I slam on the car breaks and turn to the back seat where they're all sitting. I glare at them as the car screeches to a stop in the middle of an empty road. This ain't gonna be pretty.

"Just shut up! I don't care if you don't want to go to the highway. The doors are open so just fucking go! I know for sure that's where everyone will be. Maggie, Rick, Daryl and the rest! It's worth going there to at least see if they're alive. I'm going there and nothing's going to stop me. I ain't giving up as long as Daryl and the group are alive! I found this group after a long time of being alone and I'm not ready to loose that anytime soon. So please shut the fuck up. I just want to listen to some Asking Alexandria and find Daryl. As I said, the doors are open." I scream at first and gradualy quieten down towards the end, breathless by the end of my little outburst. Now they fucking know.

Beth has a slight proud smile on her small lips and Lori and T-Dog are both glaring at me. Fuck them for all I care. They can go and look for the others by themselves if they want. I'm going to the highway. I turn around and start driving again, turning 'Break Down The Walls' by Asking Alexandria comes on quietly in the background. I'm gonna find the rest of the group if it's the last thing I do.

This chapter is longer than any recent ones so yay! I've got 888 views at the moment and they just keep goin up! Love you guys and thanks for reading/voting.

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