Chapter 28- "Cheers Watson"

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I still don't get how the car park is completely empty. No cars. I was expecting a few walkers at least. Not a deserted place. Empty. It's strange. If it were up to me and I was alone, I would stay at least sixty nine miles away from this abandoned, haunted shop. Not that it's haunted. I mean I don't know... Sort of gives me the creeps. But I ignore it.

I park next to Daryl's killer bike and everyone piles out of my car. We're parked in the middle of the car park. I don't even know anymore. Probably just so we have enough time to get away if something fucks up. That seems pretty reasonable.

I get out of my baby and join the group gathered around the motorcycle. This car park is huge. I don't like it. My fear may be irrational, but still legitimate. Walkers could come from anywhere. Surround us.

I'm actualy thankful that Beth is riding with Daryl instead of Carol. Although my dislike for her has slowly began to melt and seem irrational, that doesn't mean I want her slender hands all over Daryl. I'm being pretty selfish and over protective, but I don't care. Sharing has never been my strong point. Not that I should share Daryl anyway.

My car now consists of Jack, Carl, Maggie and Glenn. Carl always wanted to ride in my precious Impala, so why not? Rick said its okay and he's not bugging anyone. Suits me. Jack always rides shotgun though, singing along to Metallica and Blink 182 with me. I'm even surprised that Carl knows some words to the songs as well. That's as good as the car rides get, really. Although sometimes I whisk I could ride with Daryl.

How can you be cheery though, when the world's infested with walkers? Wait. Is the whole world like this? What if it isn't. What if it's only in America. Maybe in the future we can make it to the coast and find a boat, hijack fuel from other boats and find an island that isn't full of these cannibal corpses.

"Rick, this ain't my place. But I think we should send a small group inside to make sure the shop isn't over-ran before we all go in. This car park shouldn't be so empty. I've got a weird feeling in my gut." I say quietly, looking around the empty space around us suspiciously.

This doesn't feel right. Risking the death of more people in our group isn't necessarily on our to-do list. "But this place is empty. Deserted" Lori exclaims, motioning around us with her slender hands at all the empty space. Honestly, how stupid can she get?

"Lori, just because this car park is empty doesn't mean that Wallmart isn't creeping with walkers." I snap, huffing in annoyance. Really? We've been living in this walker-infested country for long enough to know that you're never safe. So therefore she should know that there's no such thing as being 'too careful'.

But really. Is this virus only in Georgia? What if it is... But then again, what if it isn't? What if there's no such thing as a 'safe place'? These thought are pretty damn dark. But my thoughts usualy are. So there's nothing new about that.

"Diana has a point. T-Dog, Daryl and I will go check it out. Glenn and Maggie scout this place to make sure it's secure. Diana and Jack, watch over the group." Rick directs, turning around and heading for the store in a jog.

I would have complained any other day, but Rick's wearing his 'dont-fuck-about' expression. And that's when you know that shit's serious. I'm tired of waiting back with the group while the 'rough and tough guys' get to take part in all the action. It makes me feel useles.

Maggie and Glenn set off in opposite directions in a fast jog, obviously eager to get this over and done with as fast as possible. I don't blame them.

With all of them almost gone, there's only a few people left out here in the open. Less people to take care of and watch over. But if a horde were to come...

My eyes shift to Jack. He's become comfortable around some of us now, but Rick still requires me to keep him under my watch. And I guess that's pretty reasonable. The only people Jack doesn't seem to feel comfortable around are Beth, Carol and Rick.

God, I remember when Rick asked Daryl, Glenn and Dale to keep tabs on me back at the farm when I first joined them. But that didn't last too long. Maybe a week or two. I didn't even know Dale was watching my every move. I always thought it was just Daryl.

"What's up Jack?" I ask casually, leaning against my Impala. Jackie mirrors my stance and grins. I have no idea why I call him Jackie. I think it's because I prefer calling people by their nicknames.

"The sky." He replies, looking up at the gray sky. Looks like it could snow. Or rain. I hope not both. I give him my best bitchface. "No shit Sherlock" I smile, poking his shoulder with my machete gently. What can I say, I'm bored and looking out for the group is easy enough. A scan for the walkers every few seconds. Plus there aren't a great deal of people to talk to here.

"Cheers Watson" he replies, standing up and looking around, probably making sure if there aren't any dead people trying to eat us. There aren't any. I can see Jack doesn't like this either. I've come to learn that he's the type of person that needs to know and have everything unde control, otherwise he'll go nuts. I could compare him to Rick.

He comes back to me, sitting on the hood of my baby. God, he's an absolute asshat. But he's quite funny, actually. He's still wearing the black 'boner' shirt. Carol didn't like it and said its bad influence on Carl, but there's nothing she could do. We don't exactly have a supply of new clothes he can choose from.

We stay silent, glancing around the car park anxiously. Maggie and Glenn are walking towards us, shaking their heads as if to say 'No walkers'. I'm hating this. This is just plain weird.and creepy. Yeah, definitely creepy.

"Hello Jackie. Diana." Beth beams at Jack and nods at me, turning back to the poor guy. But she dare make a move on him, or so Lucifer help me.

First, she's like eighteen years old! Yeah, I get that there's an age gap between me and Daryl as well, but it's not that large. Well, maybe it is... But whatever. And anyway, I've already thought about this before. But my liking of Beth is slowly decreasing. Sure, I still remember what happened back at the farm and I still feel the need to protect her. She's just starting to get on my nerves ever so slightly.

"Hi Beth." He replies, clearly feeling awkward. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he's got a thing for either Rick or Daryl. He did mention he's bisexual. But hey, who am I to judge? Okay. Daryl's mine and Rick has a wife. But I'm not entirely sure if their marriage is still working. Hell, who am I kidding. It's broken up into a million shards of glass that can't be pieced together anymore. But I doubt he'd ever go with a guy.

"Look! That's them there!" Maggie exclaims and points to the three men walking toward us at a brisk pace. But to my surprise, they're not alone.

So, merry Christmas people! I'll try and update over the holidays, but no guarantees!
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