Chapter 29- The Death Of Me

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"Who the hell is that?" Glenn shouts angrily, pointing to the two men and a woman being dragged by our men. They don't seem to be struggling. Of course they're not. Daryl's pointing a fucking crossbow at them. I didn't struggle when Daryl was pointing his crossbow at me when I first met them either. A wise move that was.

I knew something was off here. That's probably why there aren't any walkers. Oh man, I'd love to tell Lori 'I told you so'. But we do need the supplies...

"They were inside. Hiding." Rick says through clenched teeth as he forces one of the men onto his car, Daryl and T-Dog doing the same. We shouldn't do this. That was their 'safe heaven', if that's what you can call it. It's not right to take them away. But we also need the supplies.

"So you just brought them here?" Carol screeches, glaring daggers at the three men. I don't think Rick heard her, because he's patting the three people down, checking for any weapons. He's probably used to it, because he used to be a deputy. Or maybe he's ignoring her. Both are good with me.

"What else were they supposed to do?" I growl at the pissed off woman and look back to Rick who's walking towards us, leaving T-Dog to watch the three newbies. What are we going to do with them? Seriously. Do we just let them go? Offer them a place?

"We gonna let them join us? Strength in numbers" I say with a little doubt, looking at T-Dog who rolls his eyes. T-Dog's alright. I've spent some time with him at the farm, and he's generally a great guy. Like that one time Dale woke up all snappy and we threw a bucket of ice cold water at him as soon as he exit the RV. That was the talk of the day back then.

"Let them into our group? Are you seriously crazy? We have got a baby coming and a kid. Are you willing to risk that?" Carol snaps, pointing to Lori and Carl. Yeah, I get what she's trying to put across. I really do. But we could also use the people to protect them. That is, if they're trustworthy.

"You guys let me in. We had two kids at that time. We let Jack in. It was under the same circumstances as now. Rick got Daryl, Glenn and Dale to watch over me, to make sure I didn't murder all you people. So what I'm suggesting is, we get some people to watch over the three. I could watch over the girl, Jack could watch over that guy with brown hair and Glenn could take the other guy. We can do this. And Carl ain't much of a kid anymore. Plus, they could be useful." I explain, which earns a few grunts and a few nods. They could be a good addition to this already small group. Like Jack. Helps, protects and entertains.

"I saw a big van parked just around the corner when you sent us on a lookout. It has a full tank of gas, so transport wouldn't be a problem for a while. Diana does have a good point." Glenn agrees with easy, pointing in the direction of what I assume is the van.

I can see Carol and Lori gasp in shock and anger, but others seem to agree with me and Glenn. They're all still pretty reluctant. Hesitant. I'm not too keen on this either. But we need the people.

"Are you sure you want to have that responsibility? Our blood on your hands if something goes wrong? Again?" Lori asks, seriousness all over her face. The question is aimed at me, so I just nod. There's nothing more to say. I'm responsible for them. Looking out for Jack was easy enough. But I'm surprised that she's so 'willing' to do this.

"Alright. All of us go in and get as many supplies as we can. T-Dog and Beth, stay here and watch over the three. If something happens, shout. Yell." Rick announces, turning back around and leading us all into the giant store called Wallmart.

So much for his talk about this not being a democracy anymore...
I'm not so fond of Beth staying behind, but T-Dog would hopefully protect her if something goes down. He's a softie at heart. But two against three? The odds aren't in our favour.

We enter the store where you can get legit anything, with my machete raised. I don't give a rats ass if Rick said it's safe. You're never safe... Not even when you've got the whole group watching your back. One thing fucks up, you're all dead.

"We split. Carol, Lori and Carl take care of food and water. Maggie and Glenn grab clothes. Hershel and Diana, gater anything useful in the medicine and toiletries section. Daryl, Jack and I will get weapons" Rick exclaims and pulls one of the giant-ass carts out of a metal rack thingy and rolls it over to Lori, who takes if and the three of them head to the food and drink section. Everyone gets a cart and we split, Hershel and I finding the aisle we need relatively quickly, since it's at the start of the store. I'm happy he's here because I have no idea what medicine we need.

"You okay with getting the medicine? I'll get some things for us women and other things as well" I ask, a soft smile on my dry lips making Hershel smile back and nod. He's a good man. Pure heart and pure intentions.

"Of course" he replies, turning to the shelf with painkillers and other shit. Well, he did patch Glenn up when he got shot, so... Plus he probably knows
a lot more about medicine than I do.

I turn to the shelf opposite and grab packs upon packs of tampons and birth control pills, shoving them all into the cart so they mix up with the bandages and other medicines. I don't think we can afford another pregnancy. Next up, shampoo and shit.

For the next hour or so, we raid the supermarket for anything useful. Me and Hershel managed to fill the giant cart up to the top with thing such as painkillers, birth control pills, toilet paper and some stuff for Lori's baby. Of course there's a lot more, but it's too much to name. I also managed to sneak off and find some bolts which'll hopefuly fit Daryl's crossbow. That involved sneaking across the store and bribing Rick.

"Y'all comin'?" Daryl calls, walking briskly around the corner of the aisle to stand beside me. It's still so new. Being around him. Being with him.

"Yeah, we're done here. Let's go" I smile, passing the cart to Hershel who's walking away. I have no idea what we'd do without this old man. He's offered us safety when we needed it most. He's treated is well. He's like our saviour.

Daryl looks around at the practically empty shelves and a devilish grin creeps it's way onto his kissable lips. What's up with him? There aren't any arrows for his crossbow here, so what's he looking at? And if there were, I would have had them by now. Plus, there aren't many things here. Me and Hershel literally pushed everything into the cart.

He turns around with five pink boxes in his hands. Five pink boxes of condoms. There are about 22 in each box. Holy fucking hell. How much sex is he planing on having?! If any at all? Well, if he's taking all of that, then I guess he wants it. Bad. Holy fuck.

"Ain't go no excuse now" he says seductivly, his voice almost a whisper. A pleasant chill runs down my spine, my insides start feeling like jelly all of a sudden. This man knows what he's doing. And I fucking hate him for it.

"You're right. No more excuses" I whisper and step forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and crashing my dry lips to his.

Have you guys heard what's happening to the Supernatural fandom? I really hope that it ends soon, because it's just fucked up. And watching people in my fandom suffer like that is painful.
Anyway, this chapter is a bit longer! The image explains what's going on in the SPN fandom, so I apologise that it isn't relate to The Walking Dead.
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