Chapter 8- Surprises

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I pull over next to the dirty RV and turn my new baby off, the music going off as well. This car is honestly heaven. A leathery heaven. It's got cassettes full of Rock music and some post-hardcore which is honestly amazing. It's brilliant in ever way. I'm lucky to have come across such a car.

I step out of my newly-found car and open the back door, taking the two full baskets out and shutting the door behind me. It's real luck that we managed to get this much medicine. Even though we were aiming for food, medicine is important as well.

"Diana! That's an awesome car! Where did you get it??" Carl shouts in joy, running up to me, smiling in astonishment. He halts to a stop in front of the car, gazing at it in awe.

"Thanks, kiddo. I found it in front of a pharmacy so I took it. I'll give you a ride one day" I smirk and he runs off, screaming at his dad so he'll get his attention. Sweet boy. I'm not trying to teach him that stealing is good, but the same rules don't apply in this world anymore. Which is good in some ways, I guess.

Daryl turns off his motorbike and gets off it, gracefully like a unicorn may I add, and comes to get one of the baskets. At least he has the decency to help.

"Ya like Metallica?" Daryl's raspy voice asks as he takes one of the baskets from my sore hand. Thank the Lord. He's finally talking to me.

"You kidding? Love them. ACDC as well. My type of music." I grin at him and we head towards the farm house to give these to Hershel. During mines and Glenn's little talk yesterday, I got told that Hershel is a vet so I guess he'll be able to distinguish what medical stuff is for what.

"You?" I ask him casually, wincing slightly. What if I said something wrong in his presence? He's a guarded person and saying something out of line could set him off. He's like a time bomb. Yeah, All Time Low's song 'Time Bomb' is great as well.

He looks at my grinning face from the corner of his eyes and scoffs. " 'Course. Who doesn't" he grunts and opens the screen door to Hershel's house, holding it for me to pass through. What a gentleman.

Although, was that a slight smirk on his lips? Holy shit. I'm not going to lie, I like being around him. My first instinct was to keep my distance because he seemed dangerous and irrational, but now I quite like the sense of security that comes with him.

We walk through to the nicely decorated kitchen and set the two baskets down onto the pale counter. I like this house. It's got a sort of homey feel to it. A place that you could settle in easily.

"You back already? Good to know you got the medicine we needed. Thank you. You can go see Glenn now if you want." Hershel says warmly, walking into the kitchen with a small smile. I like this man. He's nice and civilised and reasonable. Although he doesn't smile much at Daryl. Just me.

"No problem Hershel. You need anything else, just say." I reply with a smile. He's been real nice to us since we arrived. And letting strangers stay at your farm? That takes guts to do because, well, trust.

"Actually, I need some people to fix a fallen fence just out there" Hershel says, pointing at a fucked up fence through the small kitchen window that's in the middle of the field you have to walk through to get to mines and Daryls tent.

I have no idea how to fix fences. I grew up in the city and was never really introduced to this manual labour. I guess if Daryl knows what he's doing, I could help.

"Sure. Just gonna need shit to fix it with" Daryl grumbles and walks out of the house, me following suit. I can tell Hershel doesn't like Daryl swearing. Anyone, really. He's a biblical man. A Christian. I saw the multiple bibles he has around the house, some in Glenn's current room as well.

Anyways, how is he doing? I'll have to go and check in on him to make sure everything's okay. To see if he has water and food and his bandage should be cleaned and-

"Ol' man keeps all his shit in the stables. You get the truck and meet me there." He says. How he knows that I have no clue whatsoever about what we're set out to do is beyond me. But he easily catches onto little details and makes sense of them.

"Should I get any help?" I ask, putting my hand on my hip. Although I have no idea how to fix a fence, it's something to do. A distraction from this walker-infested world. And a way to get closer to Daryl. Wait no. Not closer to Daryl. Just a day ago I was promising myself to stay away from this man. Fuck, what happened to that...

"Nah. We'll do it alone" he says and stalks towards the stables. Guess who's got some quality alone time with Daryl?! Not that I need it or anything. Just a friend thing. But I can't help feeling weirdly excited that it's just the two of us.

I turn on my heel and walk towards the RV which isn't far from the farmhouse for safety reasons. Dale's on top keeping watch, as per usual. Doesn't he ever get bored of sitting there all day doing nothing? Although I'd like to just sit around on my ass, not having to do shit.

"Dale! Where's Rick?!" I shout up to him, shielding my eyes from the beaming sun of Georgia. Damn, it's quite hot today. Well, considering that it's sometime in July...

"He's just by the cars dear. Everything ok?" He calls to me, pointing in the general direction of our cars, which are parked behind Hershel's house. Quick and easy to access. I nod and set off on a gentle jog. Everything okay, I guess.

I dodge the laughing Lori and Carl and stop dead in my tracks as soon as I round the big house. The sight shocks me, to say the least. Shane and Andrea are... Kissing?

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