Chapter 33- Teasing and Clearing

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Rick sprints past countless walkers, only stoping once because Carol almost shot his bloody foot. I wouldn't have trusted her with a gun. She's good, but not good. If you know what I mean. She could be better. Maybe he should have sent Maggie up to the watchtower instead.

But he keeps going. He manages to push through the walkers and clips the gate shut with a red clip from Wallmart. He sprints past more walkers, towards the guard tower, firing his Python off a few times.

Please make it. Please make it. I have no idea what would happen if he got bit. We'd be in shit. Who would take over? Glenn? Daryl? Me? I don't want to think about that.

Rick shuts the rusty red door of the watchtower and I breathe a small sigh of relief. He's safe and the fun can begin. Well, if you consider blowing the brains of cannibals out 'fun'. There are about a dozen or so walkers left in the yard to shoot down, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of this.

I aim at a prisoner which oddly looks like Morgan Freeman and shoot the poor bastard in the head. He collapses onto the high green grass and I move onto the next target which sort of looks like Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. Well, he's not in it anymore. Technically. This shooting this is going easier than I thought. Although the gunshots might attract walkers.

I wonder how the celebrities are holding up... Some better than others, most likely. My money are on Jason Statham and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not that we use money anymore, of course. But I can't help the feeling of sadness wash over me as I realise that some of my favourite celebrities are probably dead. Or worse, walkers.

As I'm about to end Gerard's look-alikes' cannibalistic life, another bulet beats me to it. Fucking bummer... I wonder who did it. It couldn't have been Daryl or Glenn, because they're not shooting anymore. They've left all the fun to me. Or they don't want to waste more ammo than is necessary.

I look at the guard tower Rick's in, but it wasn't him either. He's shooting walkers near the far fence where our people aren't killing them through. Not bang in the middle of the field. I know it's irrational to get pissed about someone killing a walker, but I still want to know who did it.

I look at the last tower and Carol flashes me a smirk, obviously pleased with herself. Bitch. It takes everything in my will not to shoot her right here and now. Months of effort gone. Just like that. Evaporated.

She takes aim at a prisoner which kind of looks like Adam Sandler, so I do the same and pull the trigger as soon as I know I won't miss. The look on her face is priceless. Needless to say it would have been humiliating and embarrassing if I would have missed.

The last walker goes down and I sprint down the stairs of the tower, followed by Glenn and Daryl. Here goes the bloody sprinting again. I'm tired of it. But hey, I guess it gets me places faster. Although it does build up sweat.

We join up with the group and all walk through the now open gate cautiously. There's an overturned bus beside the fence which Beth atempts to climb, but fails and gets scolded by Hersel for doing silly stuff that puts her in danger.

This is a small field, overgrown with grass and populated with dead bodies. I'm sure that once we clear the bodies and burn them, we could use this for something. Maybe even plant some vegetables. Hershel would know what to do with that.

Carol runs ahead and spins in a circle, arms outstretched. "We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!" She shouts, a bubbly giggle escaping her. Really? Thanks Sherlock, because nobody here knew that... But someone could have missed a walker and they may not all be dead. I hope one of them gets up and sinks it's rotten teeth into her-

"We can run around freely as much as we want now!" Carl shouts, smiling cheerfully at his father. He's a cute little kid. Rick smiled and let's out a shout of freedom. I've not seen him this happy in, well, ever. This is truly amazing. I like this. If we work hard enough we can make this work. But I shouldn't have these thoughts. I shouldn't get excited over something that's not guaranteed. I just can't seem to help it.

Daryl puts an arrow through a walkers head that wasn't quite 'dead' yet and then retrieves it. I watch his muscles flex as he hoists the crossbow back onto his back and I absentmindedly lick my dry lips. Damn, this man's going to be the death of me. Literaly. It would be sort of ironic if I were to die of let's say a disease instead of a bite.

Daryl turns around and immediately catches on to my behaviour. A mischievous grin appears on his kissable lips as he saunters towards me in an animal like manner. Just the way he usually walks, I guess.

Butterflies invade my stomach and I lick my still dry lips yet again. I can't help this feeling. It's annoying but pleasant. Never would I have ever thought we would be together...

He comes so close that our chests are touching and then bends down to capture my lips in his rough ones. My hands travel up his sculptured arms to his growing hair and tangle themselves. At the same time, one of his hands wraps around my waist and the other travels from my cheek to my jaw. Our mouths move together well, but not quite in synchronisation. No, not yet. I love kissing him. I love being this close to someone I love. Fuck. Do I love him?!

"Get a room!" I hear Glenn shout from somewhere close by and I smile into the kiss. We break appart and he pulls me into him, slinging his arm around my shoulder. Simple affection like this in front of the group is what drives me insane. It's so forward, yet nothing like what he's like when we're alone.

We walk to where the rest of our group is gathered around Rick without another word. He patiently waits for us to come stand beside him. He's probably in a great mood due to our victory. And probably annoyed by our little make out session. But it's none of his business.

Once we're all there, he starts. "We'll stay here tonight. T-Dog, Glenn, Daryl and Gabe, go get things necessary from the cars. The rest of us will drag these walkers to the far end of this field. Make sure they're dead and burn them." Rick instructs and we all nod, getting to go do whatever we were told. Rick is always straight forward, which I like. No stalling. Nothing. Suddenly, an idea pops to into my head.

"Daryl!" I shout to him and he stops by the bus, looking back at me expectantly. He's already walked quite far ahead. It takes me a few seconds to reach him, but when I do, I lean into him so only he can hear me and nobody else around us.

"The condoms are under my seat in the Impala. I think we could put one of the watchtowers into good use. There's also a little present there as well." I whisper flirtatiously and give his smirking face a suggestive wink before walking away.

I'm really bad at teasing him, but when I put extra effort into it, it seems to work. So this way, he'll get condoms and his new bolts for the crossbow that I found in Wallmart.

I turn back and jog to help Maggie carry Freemans look-alike towards the fence. We stumble a bit, but when we drop him, we fall with him and have a delighted laugh.

So I've got this idea, but I need your opinion on it... I've thought about writing a chapter from someone else's perspective, Rick or Daryls or Glenns or someones. So it's up to you guys to decide. Or I can keep it as Dianas' POV...
Anyway, thank you all for reading and getting me 3.7k views!!!
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