captivity and escape

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I turned 18 yesterday but I'm not happy. I am still thinking about Miia,I'm already traveling 6 month and everyday I think about her. That's torturing for me. I havenever undestood what is love but now I know. When I felt my left arm was in pain and soon everithing went black.

"Shit not again"I thought

When I woke up I was in dark room  chained again but only hands. Soon arrived one female. She was echidna like me and I knew I'm in big problem.

Y/N:"Who are you and where am I?!"I said in agressive tone

???:"You are in echidna's town and I brought you here to be husbant for all because we all are female, we must have sex with humans to have children but now we needn't do this because you will be the father of  next genaration of this town"She said happily.

Y/N:"You are crazy, I have never had sex with any of you"I said in agressive.

She came extreme closer to me and whispered to my ear "You will be here as sexual slave until you die" Said and and pull hidden siringe into my arm and I fell dizzy and weird

Y/N:"W-what w-was that "I said in weak voice

???:"Very strong sedative so you can't run away, wait here and fun will begin."

Soon she arrived with group of echidnas and they looked at me  with lust in their eyes and when she started ran to me I tought "god help me"


I realised echidnas are sadist. when I tried defend myself they scretched me a lot. It is true they have smaller claw than me but it's very sharp, wound are deep, bloody and painful. I have lot of this on my body. The rape lasted long into the night, I tried to sleep when I heard someone. I quickly noticed that, stood up and wanted to defend myself.

???:"Calm down, Chief send me to heal you." She said and I  calmed down

She chacked me and said

???:"Wound are too deep I must sew them but we dont have any morphine so will be painfull

I looked at hear and I see her clothes is looks like in anthic rome 

Y/N:"aaaaa." I moaned

???:"this needs 10 days rest so in next ten days... no rape"

Y/N:"Why you didn't rape me?"I said in weak voice

???:"Because I have children and I am not sadist like anothers."

She fixed last Wound and went away but I stopped her.


she lookead at me 

Y/N:"thank you"

???:"your welcome"

10 days later

Good is that I don't have chains anymore. The bad is that 10 days passed and soon I'll be raped again.

The door opened and went in another group of lamias and they run up to me but they forgot I'm not chained and I'm not under the influence of sedative so I defend myself, I won but  they all jumped on me and immobilized me.

???1:"Are you insane or what!"

I  was silent

???2:"answer us!!" She shouted 

I am still silent 

???2:"ok if you will be still silent you will fight in arena."

"better than rape" I thought

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