MON team and familiar lamia

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Y/N screamed loudly, startling the others, and a moment later Smith came running up and asked in alarm.

"What happened!" She asked, looking at me in horror.

Y/N looked around and saw that his entire team was looking at him in surprise.

Y/N: "nothing, sorry. just something happened in my head," he said and

Smith went back to her office.


Y/N: Sorry guys just bad memories. I said to the team.

Arachne:" That's ok, welcome to the team I am Ema"

Centaur:" Athena"

Dragon girl:"Elizabeth"


Y/N:"  Y/N"

Monica:" So whats about your injuries? are you better?

She asked and I was confused and rest of the team too.

Y/N:" How do you know about that?

Monica:" Because I was that girl what helped in that cell.

Y/N:" that was you?" 

Monica:" yes" she said with smile on her face.

Y/N:" thanks for your help"

Monica:"You are welcome"

Ema:" you know him?" Ema asked and pointed at me

Monica:" Yes I helped him when he was badly hurt.

Ema:" Cool, so Y/N what's will your specializacion in th team?"

Y/N:" What do you mean?"

Ema:" for example I am turret operator and I can climb on walls" she said and showed me a big machine gun.

Athena:" I am like cavalery. all armored body and with bulletproof shild, I am like tank.

Elizabeth:" And I can fly so I am like live drone and sniper.

Monica:" and I am medic." 

Athena:" so what will be your specializacion Y/N?" she said in courious in her voice.

Y/N:" I don't know I have gas mask like standart equipment an-" 

"that's great you can be chemical specialist" Athena interupt me

Y/N:" I am not chemical specialist" 

Elizabeth:" Athena tought if you have gas mask than you can go to rooms with smokes and potencional chemical dangerous.

Y/N:" ok then." I said with smile

Ema:" welcome to the team.

Y/N:" so what now? 

Monica:" Come with us train." she said and I and my new team went train.

Y/N's tought: ok let's start my new carier.

HI I'm back I know it's was long break. Don't worry I will continue this and another stories but I have now some more time so I can write more. And I want to thank you all for suport this story. I know this is short chapter but next time I try do bigger chapter. I hope you liked this chapter and see you soon. GDI_44

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