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"USING THAT FOR the first time on your actual challenge?"

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"USING THAT FOR the first time on your actual challenge?"

"Power of friendship? How embarassing." Miya provoked the two, rolling his eyes at them as he let out a faint chuckle.

"I decided what to wager. If I win, you'll become my dog." The black-haired boy said, pointing his index finger at Reki.

"Pfft-" You accidentally let out a laugh, you covered your mouth using your the palm of your hand, trying to contain your laughs.

"Dog?! And why are you pointing at me?!" Reki grunted.

"Your precious friend is going to become a dog because of you." Miya said, ignoring whatever Reki said.

"In the unlikely event that I lose, I'll be a dog or cat or whatever. How's that?" Miya asked the blue-haired male, letting out a sly smirk.

"That's fine." Langa agreed without a second thought.

"Don't say it's fine! Why are you replying without asking me?! You just wanna hurry up and skate, isn't it?!" Reki shouted, jumping onto Langa as he started pulling out his hair.

"Aish, this guy couldn't stop from shouting." You muttered under your breathe, covering your ears so that your eardrums wouldn't get destroyed by the male's endless shouts.

"You just wanna hurry up and skate, isn't it?!" Reki still kept scolding Langa.

One by one, the lights from the traffic lights that they were using lit up. The two males who were about to race started warming up. The huge flag that was held by the woman was raised up, the lady was waving it indicating that the race had began.

They rode their skateboards. Miya was on the lead, as expected. The people- that are mostly males, started cheering for them, shouting the names of the person they expected to win.

You let out a small sigh as you placed your skateboard on the ground, putting your phone in your pockets as you put your hair in a low ponytail, not even a single strand of hair was showing. You put up the hood of your hoodie and placed your right foot on the skateboard.

After a few minutes, you started riding it, wanting to get a good look at their race. Well, you didn't have any friends here that would let you ride with their motorcycle or car.

You catched up with them quickly than you expected, but you still didn't went fast because it isn't your race and people might get confused as to why there were three people skating. While you were skating, you took out your phone from your pockets to see what they were doing right now.

You saw from the screen that Langa has the upper hand after doing some crazy trick.

"Rodeo Andy. A snowboarding move." You whispered to yourself. You fastened the speed of your skateboard, your eyebrows were knitted together.

"Good going, Reki-L2S!" Reki shouted, his head was showing from the car as he cheered for Langa.

Miya saw how the red-haired male cheered for his friend, he got irritated by them. He hates people who grouped themselves with the others just so they could achieve something.

He hates them.

He couldn't stop himself but remember the past, where his friends didn't want to befriend with him because he's famous and such.
Such petty excuses.


"Miya." You called out for the boy beside you, the male glance at you with a questioning look.

"What?" The male asked, as he looked back at his nintendo switch.

"You better win on your beef later." You mumbled softly, looking up at the orange sky.

"Even though you won't say that, I'm still gonna win." He replied in a duh tone, making you playfully role your eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah yeah."


"I.. can't bother to lose after all this to some slimes!" He muttered to himself as he sped up, now he was catching up with Langa.

And after a few seconds again, Langa gain the upper hand after doing a trick using the branch of the tree.

"I'm not going to lose! Because I am the hero!" Miya exclaimed, using the trick that he learned, gaining the upper hand again.


I know, I know. This is boring asf, and also the next chapter will be boring. But the next next chapter will be good hoho. I think...


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