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The darkening sky waved the last of the sun's rays goodnight, welcoming the blue hue that shrouded the land. Stars began to creep into the dark canvas, the cloudless setting allowed them to dot in pictures of animals and mythical creatures, hoping to entice the world below to share their stories. One such wondering mind laid on the back of his dragon as it skimmed above the tree tops along side another. An alerting cough from the Sand Wraith's rider pulled the blue eyes of the male towards her.

"So, how's the star gazing?" She chirped, the blond was almost certain her smile was forced, but he couldn't quite tell in the dim light.

"Good" He barked back, snapping his attention back to the stars above. The brunette groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You should be looking for hunters! Not staring at the sky!" She bit back, earning a laugh from the male. He pulled himself into an upright position and sighed, still holding a light smile as he glanced around.

"We've circled the island three times, Em. I'm pretty sure we lost them" the blond mused, still lazily looking around. His friend shot him a cold glare, letting another groan escape her before leaning slightly forward to pick up the pace. The Night Fury cooed to his rider, tilting his head to the brown dragon a little ahead, his rider simply rolled his eyes and chased after her.

"Oi, relax. We lost them at that island over an hour ago, I doubt they'd think to look here for at least another day" his tone became more sincere and he put on a gentle smile to top it off. Em opened her mouth in a large sigh, her emerald eyes narrowed as she sent yet another cold stare to her friend.

"Remember the last time you said that? Elusion nearly got knocked out of the sky cause we listened to you." The blond's smile turned into an embarrassed laugh, remembering the large red and black Deathgripper struggling to dodge several arrows. He also remembered the ear full he got from the golden eyed rider of that dragon.

"Alright alright! So, I was wrong that time... But I'm pretty sure we're good now" he chortled, watching as yet another eye roll turned the girls head away.

"What about when you said 'oh we're fine! We lost them over that mountain' and then you got shot out of the sky and kidnapped moments later" She rebuked, tilting her nose up as the lithe blond let out a hesitant laugh.

"Okay okay.. So, there's a few times where I'm dangerously wrong... But!" he raised his hand as he went to argue back.

"We circled the island three times. I think they'd find us quicker if they saw a couple of dragons flying around the same island over and over" The girl sighed and dipped her head in between her shoulders. Her hands gripped around the saddle handles tighter as she thought through everything, shaking her head while sighing out a "fine".

"Let's just do one check around the shore before we head back. Deal?" At the blond's reluctant approval, the two leaned their dragons towards the ocean. The dark reptiles were easily able to blend into their night time surroundings, gliding over the last of the trees and turning to follow the shore line. Or what they could see of it with the half moon light they had. No out of place lights were shinning from the waters or from behind sea stacks, letting a few deep breaths relax the girl. The blond's attention started to search the horizon where a line of light could still be seen from the descending sun. Eventually an island caught his eye, particularly the large oddly shaped volcano that towered above it. An ominous glow crept out of it suggesting it would explode at any moment. The brunette's memory got pulled to the curious dragon-like head shape of the volcano, a particular story soon clawed at her mind shortly after.

"My brother talks about that island a lot, said it's the home of the Midnight Witch" Em's story telling voice brought Lucian back to his friend. Raising an eyebrow to her before knitting them together.

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