The Midnight Witch

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Part 1

The cold nip of the morning air stirred Emlaisse awake, causing her to sit up with a yawn and stretch. A quick glance around allowed her to see everyone was still asleep, save for one. The black Night Fury with strategically placed green stripes, caged in to the tips of its limbs by a row of dots, seemed to have been missing. Along with its blond rider. Em furrowed her brows, looking around for the whereabouts of the two while climbing to her feet.

The forest they took refuge in glowed green and yellow in the morning sun, warming her skin as the light touched her. The dew that coated the long grass grasped onto her blue overdress, darkening it's colour while bringing a slight chill down her body. Ignoring the cold, and pushing past the grass to a large cliff, overlooking the small island. Greens, yellows, and reds spotted the land below, beaming with birds and dragons already on the hunt for food. The dark blue waters that stretched to the horizon harshly pushed itself onto the beach, bringing with it a freezing wind. Although not harsh, it still pulled at the light brown braid of Em's hair, and made way for goosebumps to coat her arms. With a deep breath, her confused gaze scanned the island in search of the missing rider.

"Gods, it's chilly today" the semi-deep voice slightly startled the girl, turning to the man with a small sigh and a gentle nod. Elusion covered his yawn as he stood by his friend's side, lazily looking around the scene.

"What we looking for?" He barked, a tired wave threatened to bring his eyelids down, yet he still pulled the ends of his lips upward. Em let out a sigh, another quick glance around before rolling her eyes and turning back to the older male.

"Lu'. He seems to be missing. As usual" her sarcasm spoke before she could catch herself, her arms crossed over her chest while she pushed her weight onto one leg. Elusion squinted in confusion, glancing back to the occupants of the camp in search of the blond in question. His eyebrows knitting together once he realized he was no where in sight.

"Not like him to be up so early" his voice sounded husky, another yawn escaping him before he joined in on the search.

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about" Em sighed.

"Let's wake up the others, before Lu comes back with trouble" she breathed, the tall male dramatically sighed following her back to the camp.

The group woke up with groans and moans, but found their way to their feet eventually. Spot having an easier time than the others and reverted back to his enthusiastic self in minutes. Pulling on a beaming smile that challenged the brightness of the morning light. Each of them gathered their miscellaneous items, attaching them to their dragon's saddles before wandering over to the edge of the cliff.

"Where's Lu?" Spot chirped, his head whipping around from face to face from his dragon's back. Elusion shrugged as he finished checking the straps on his saddle, giving his dragon a gentle pet in response to its questioning rumble.

"Not sure" Em purred, her dragon pushing into her arm with a coo, demanding some attention.

"So.... He's in trouble and we should go get him?" Vic sighed, sounding less like a question and more like a statement. She leaned against her yawning dragon with arms crossed as her narrowed eyes pinned themselves onto Em. Spot humphed and shook his head.

"C'mon, he's probably just on patrol..." He argued back, simultaneous groans arose from everyone.

"This is Lucian we're talking about." Eyla irked.

"He's always in trouble" Vic finished. Spot opened his mouth to argue again, only to get cut off by the Night Fury gently landing on the edge of the cliff. Lucian gave them all a cheeky smile, Spot shooting his fist in the air with a triumphant "told you!" to the others. Lu gave them a confused glance before dismounting his dragon.

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