Report in Time

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Lucian walked down the highway with long strides, getting around much faster than normally. Occasionally holding out his thumb for drivers to pick him up and bring him to the city faster. But, not many cars drove by this small road, and he'd prefer that the car wouldn't belong to his dad or Percy. Still ashamed of the words he said to his friend, and not ready to confront his dad about the dragons again.

'Maybe I shouldn't have left...' He thought to himself, pausing for a moment to look at the valley below him, bathing in the last of the sun's rays. The sunlight started to turn golden as it neared the horizon, warning him that night was not far behind. Yet, the view below was oddly calming to the male, keeping his eyes gliding from one side of the valley to the other. Taking in the small bodies of water that spotted the tall green grass, all caged in by hills and cliffs. The black dot moving swiftly across the field brought a smile to his face.

"Andask!" He called, waving the dragon over, who eagerly flew up and landed with a stumble, nearly tackling the human in a hug.

"Can't believe you're here, well. Guess that makes life easier" He cooed, the dragon chirping in response, yet lacked any knowledge of what his rider was talking about. Simply enjoying the gentle pets he was receiving.

"Almost too good to be real" Lucian hummed, the dragon making another agreeing sound, looking to him with wide pupils. The blond stared at his reflection in the dragon's eyes, his smile slowly curving into a frown.

"Maybe cause it isn't" He concluded, the dragon once again making the same agreeing sounds. Lucian began feeling a light pat on his shoulder, snapping his eyes open and looking to the driver who was tapping him.

"Hey, we're in the city. You okay to get out here?" The woman asked, Lucian looking around the busy street with a nod then exited the vehicle with a simple thanks. The night had chased the sun away an hour ago, but the downtown road was lively in lights and people dressed up in fancy clothes. No doubt jumping from club to club, which is inevitably what Lucian had planned to do for the rest of the night.

"Did you want some cash for some food or something?" The woman called out before Lucian fully turned away. The blond stood there for a moment then took the several purple dollars bills being held out for him. Adding in another thank you before walking off, following the loud music to an easy-to-sneak-in club.


The computer kept dinging with noise every few minutes, almost distracting the man from the news report currently playing on the TV. However, after the news declared their perspective on the event, the man rolled his eyes and turned it off. Mumbling to himself about the matter as he walked to his laptop. Upon opening the screen calling for his attention, he noticed several emails and messages over various platforms. Nothing new to the male, yet the shocker was the content in which his Whisperers were sending in.

"Giant reptiles?" Chestlock mumbled to himself, going through the several blurred and darkly lit photos of spiked tails, and tips of what appeared to be wings. But he couldn't be for sure. The male ran his hand through his golden hair as he tried to think the photos through. Questioning its validity, and having little interest in putting his career on the line if it's a simple hoax, a joke to mess with him. But the amount of evidence that kept coming in, from several different people, actually had him somewhat believing the pictures and descriptions. All seemingly coming from a city in the neighbouring country up north.

The man sat in his chair for a few long moments in contemplation. He had always wanted to take a trip up north for some sight seeing, maybe uncover some cases he's had his focus on as well.

"So, what? Probably some haters that photoshopped animals in mysterious lighting to humiliate you" The woman who stayed the night with him barked, coming to hover over his seat while he scrolled through the photos.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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