Warm Welcome Home

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Lucian woke with a groan, his mouth was parched, making him salivate to hopefully fix the dryness. The crack of sunlight breaking through the curtains was still too much for his eyes to take, but the sounds of dragons warbling and churning from outside told him he had to wake up. With a long sigh and another groan, Lucian slowly got to his feet and rolled out of bed, staring at the door for a long moment before his legs brought him to it. The light came flooding in like an avalanche of snow down a mountain, Lucian's hand racing to his eyes to shield it from the offense.

"Fuuuck. Okay. Don't leave drinks open around the hag. Got it." Lucian growled to himself, slowly feeling his way to the bathroom where he left the lights off to relieve himself. Exiting with a little more confidence, yet the golden rays of the late morning sun had still stung his vision.

Feeling his way down the stairs and towards the kitchen where he hoped to find some food, yet the lack of sight made it hard for him to search. Instead, his hand started searching for something that could dim the sunlight. His fingers finding purchase not too far, bringing the item to his eyes and relieved to see again. A quick glimpse in a reflective surface revealed rather stylish white sunglasses adorned his face. Lucian smirked with the new accessory then went rummaging through the fridge. His stomach growled for something to eat, but everything in sight wasn't physically appealing to him in that moment. The fridge was stocked full of all kinds of food, yet nothing stood out for him, anything he picked up was instantly dropped back to where it came from.

Shaking his head at the lack of appetite, Lucian closed the fridge and wandered to the window, looking out to see everyone playing with their dragons, or conversing with the modern people. A small smile had twitched on Lucian's lips at the sight, but fell back into tired boredom. The blond yawned and stretched his arms above his head as he walked out of the house. The sun, now not blocked by a house or windows, was breaking through his glasses and making it hard to see again. The male stood at the door for a rather long moment, letting his eyes adjust to the new intensity before he was able to walk down the porch steps.

There was a vague blob of red that began floating near him, Lucian's mind was not able to pin a reason to this, but the closer it got the clearer the person who wore it was. A glare instantly pinned to the witch yet it was hidden by the glasses.

"Glad to see you're alive and well" She purred, the blond almost positive he saw a smirk smear across her lips.

"Yeah, no thanks to you" He bit back, walking away without another word nor without listening to the comeback of the ginger.

"Well it's about time you're awake... You've been out for like a whole day and a half now" Emlaisse cooed, earning a groan in return.

"Think I met Hel" Lucian spoke, raising Em's eyebrow.

"Was she as pretty as the stories say?" She purred, leaning on her dragon with a curious head tilt.

"Sure, with a hint of creepy as fuck and her council of pillar heads didn't help the creepiness of it all" Lucian explained, Andask trotting up to him with a gleeful warble, letting his human lean on him with another groan.

"Pillar heads? That's a new one..." Emlaisse stated, her eyes floating to the sky in thought about what they represented.

"That was probably the ayahuasca" Dion announced, walking up to the tired blond.

"Is that what she spiked my drink with?" Lucian hummed, looking to the other male with a raised eyebrow of his own. Dion nodded to the inquiry, holding out a large cup of water to the blond. Lucian downed the beverage in seconds, not taking a single breath from the moment his lips touched the liquid until it was gone.

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