Wait, You're From Here?

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The music pounded through Lucian's chest, with flashing and spinning blue and pink lights assaulting his eyes, while the fogging second hand smoke stuffed up his lungs. Each second he stayed made him regret ever walking into the small house. Choosing to lean against a wall in the darkest part of the room and swirl the liquid in his red cup, periodically taking a sip of the burning beverage.

'How many of these have I had?' he contemplated, staring at the amber orange drink in his hand. Then shaking his head and internally sighing as he glanced around in search of a friend.

'Dad was suppose to teach me to drive tomorrow... Maybe I shouldn't have drank this much,' another vain attempt to look for the friends that brought him here left him unsuccessful. The blond rolled his eyes and stumbled off the wall, downing the last of the contents in his cup and walking out of the house into the warm night air. Lucian pulled his phone out of his pocket and squinted at the blinding display, barely letting his eyes adjust before he went searching for a particular contact. Waiting for his friend to end the repetitive ring and ask what he wants, but as usual the ringing only stopped to announce the voicemail. Impatiently waiting for the recording beep to sound and let him speak.

"Hey, you workaholic, whatcha doing? Great, cool, doesn't matter" Lucian's sarcasm bled through his slightly slurred words, his feet taking him away from the loud house.

"So, I don't really feel like going home right now, which means.... Imma be at your place in like.. 10 minutes? Uhmm, yeah. So, put down the pen and close the book and let me in when I get there. Or I'm coming in through the window" He slurred, ending the call and walking down the path to find a building he grew to hate and love at the same time.

His blue eyes found themselves floating up to the starry night, rearranging the stories of the constellations to the ones of the viking's. Still trying his best to remember the name of both the vikings that took him in when he walked into a time of fire breathing reptiles. The woman's features were oddly sharp and would always stare at him with cold grey eyes every time he did something she didn't like. Be it losing a tool or not saying a word properly. Whereas the burly man held red hair and warm brown eyes, and had a hearty laugh that bellowed through out the house when Lucian and the woman would get at each others throats. Or if the young blond ran from a particularly strange looking dragon under the impression it was going to eat him. Lucian began to wonder if the ginger took pleasure in his fear, but he only shook his head of it as the man would teach him what to do when encountering something unknown. To this day, Lucian still admired the patience of that man, even adored the raven haired woman who tried so hard to teach him their language.

He missed the two adopted parents, and most certainly missed the dragons they owned. He remembered camping out under the tent like dragon with the head that somewhat reminded him of Maleficent. Although, despite her spooky appearance she seemed to have followed the blond around the most, making sure to catch him every time he was close to or actually fell off a cliff. He remembered chasing around the mountain like dragon that pushed trees with its moose like antlers, but it more acted like an overgrown puppy with creatures far smaller than itself. Lucian being one such small creature. The teen began painting the dragons into the stars as he walked, strolling down a forested path way and aimlessly walking across a street. Only to stop in his tracks and whip his attention to the blinding headlights of the large truck skidding to a halt. The driver poking his head out of the window with a worried gaze.

"Ya' alright, kid?" He questioned, getting a slow nod from Lucian with a quiet yeah, thanks, and sorry in turn before he hurried off the road and down another forested path way. Shaking his body to try and lessen the shivers that was gifted to him by nearly being road kill. The path he wandered down blocked out any light from the moon above or from the street lights from the road at the end. Starting to stretch and twist, making Lucian's head lean far to either side and throw off his balance. His eyes failed to adjust to the dark lighting, relying entirely on the rippling shimmers that moved around him, however the pulsating circles only confused his brain more. Stumbling towards a tree that seemed to appear out of nowhere and emptying his stomach of any contents it held right beside it.

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