Death and the Witch

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The sounds of passing creatures made of metal inched the six legged dragon closer to the ginger, the lady pulling her dark cloak closer to herself as the night air bit at her skin. The smell of this giant stone village stung her noise, and the night time was lively in the center of this strange place. As the Witch expected it to be, leaving her to gravitate to the safety of the dark shadows in the narrow path ways behind homes and quiet areas. This wasn't suppose to happen, nothing went to plan, they weren't suppose to know the tea was drugged. She hadn't had this many problems with intruders before, all because one cocky blond caught her off of her game. Or maybe she was tired from the group she had played with a day before, that must be it. She fantasied what she would do if she caught him in her grasps, the ginger wasn't sure if her pent up emotions of this place would take over, or if she would be able to calm herself enough to pull the usual strings on her pray. But, every moment that passed in this strange place caused her to grow more resentment for the blond. Her thoughts getting darker and more chaotic while she maneuvered towards an even dimmer road. Plants of the most deadly kind ran through her head, imagining the face of the blond as the poisons worked through him, dragons chasing him down to tear him apart, throwing him in a maze of thorns and hidden cliffs and leaving him to fend for himself. Thinking of every possible option to provide him with a long and painful end.

Although, she wouldn't be able to do any of this until she knew this new place that she was transported to. She couldn't think of any reason why she was sent here either, nor how she got there. One minute she was running through the thickets and the next she was in the middle of an open plain, then scared off by a blinding white light that followed her down the oddly coloured floor. Only when she veered off the path did it leave them alone. She figured that perhaps the spirits were extremely protective of this strange path, perhaps it was a path that led to a paradise of sorts that only spirits were able to travel to. That was only the proper explanation she could come up with, so that's what was imprinted in her mind every time she saw such road.

The alley she found herself in, smelt oddly similar to fermented wheat that stung her senses. Her vision blurred and her head felt as if a calm breeze could cause it to float away, needing to lean against the brick building. The six legged dragon stared at the lady with worried filled eyes, his senses were overloaded, but his concern was enough of a distraction to tolerate it.

"Stinks, doesn't it" a voice cut through the wary sounds of the girl's head. The Grimaira snapped to the newcomer with a long hiss, while the Witch straightened her back and glanced at the boy. The blond was leaning against the side of the building, arms crossed, leg over the other, and just held a very uncaring aura around him.

"You..." She hissed out, watching as he simply smirked and cocked his head to her.

"You" He chirped, a coy expression on his features. The Witch's composure was well put together, holding her head high and a steel gaze towards the man.

"Here, I thought I'd have troubles finding you" She sang.

"But, you continue to prove your incompetence by walking straight towards me" Her tone dropped, expecting him to quiver as others had. But, he remained calm, not a single sign of him told her he was scared. Perhaps her reputation started dying out, or perhaps he was truly that imbecilic. She didn't know. What she did know, however, was that she was going to make the man wish he was never born. Putting a hand on her dragon and about to send him after the cocky blond when he chuckled.

"I think it's amusing you'd believe I come alone. Knowing fully well what your dragon would do on your word" he cooed, clicking his tongue, alerting the black and green Fury to drop to the ground. The odd stripes that lined one side of its lips, and the green spikes that adorned is head appeared to glow in the light. Only overshadowed by its piercing ice blue eyes, its hiss was deeper than a normal fury, yet its size suggested it was barely an adult.

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