Save Him

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Andask glided over the city, veering towards the darker neighbourhoods for cover. His rider checked over the new marks he gained from his recent battle, lazily wrapping up the ones around his arms. Not able to do much else until they landed. The Fury's ears picked up on wing beats from behind, sniffing the air to figure out who was following and relaxed at the beach scented Tidal dragon. Andask crooned as the Sand Wraith flipped above him to allow his own rider to slap the blond upside the head.

"Where've you been hiding?!" She snapped, the brown dragon leveled out while his rider gave angry emerald eyes to the blond. Who stared back confused and in slight fraught.

"Ran into the witch... Thought.. I'd maybe.. Deal with that." He deadpanned, pointing a thumb behind him while painting on a bored expression shortly after.

"You ran into the witch?" She cautiously spoke, slightly looking around for the ginger, but knitted her eyebrows together at her absence.

"Okay, well, we got into a fight. Then got chased by some cops.... then this other guy who I guess worked at the bar, and he somehow knocked out that six legged dragon" He rambled, looking back at the last hour or so. But seemed to have forgotten where he was going with the sentence.

"So, where is she now?" Emlaisse badgered.

"At the guy's house"

"Whose house?"

"The guy that knocked out the dragon" 

"Why would you leave the witch at some random modern person's house!" anger began to boil up in Emlaisse as she listened. Lucian was known for making poor choices in calmer situations, but even he couldn't have been this daft. The brunette stared with anger as Lucian explained the guy could handle himself, and that the dragon was currently recollecting itself. The blond nonchalantly shrugged off the ordeal as if it was nothing.

"It'll be fiiine" he sang.

"I swear, if I hear that statement come from you one more time" Em hissed, getting ready to leap off her dragon and push the blond off his. Lucian sighed out a laugh, and yawned, leaning to the right to turn the Fury around.

"C'mon then, if you're so worried. Let's go pick her up"

The girl followed the black dragon as the blond told her the whole event. Then finding themselves in a decent neighbourhood, landing gently in a random backyard. Em quickly chased the blond into the lit garage. Inside, she witnessed the ginger and this new man sitting at a table drinking tea, while the six legged dragon snored quietly in the corner.

"Back so soon?" The Witch sang to Lucian who rolled his eyes and picked up a cup of the tea.

"Did she make this?" He asked to the dark haired male, who denied it and stated he did. Which then prompted Lucian to start drinking the contents and grabbing a hand full of the food displayed on the table.

"Is it normal for this guy to just eat everything in anybody's home?" The guy then asked, Em shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, this is... Pretty typical of Lu'" Em answered, shaking her head as the blond was undeterred by his actions. Instead wandering up to the blue and black dragon and giving him gentle pets on the head.

"Stop touching my dragon" The Witch barked. Setting her and the blond into a argument.

"Is this also normal?" The guy asked again, Em had to watch on with a raised eyebrow.

"I honestly have no idea" Em answered, she genuinely couldn't tell what was going on. The two were bickering as her brothers would at dinner, but the cuts that adorned the two showed they were truly trying to end each other. So, she couldn't quite understand how simple, and rather childish, their conversation was. Deciding she should perhaps end it early before it became anything more.

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