The City's Thieves

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Thunder echoed through the skies, the greying clouds creeping over the land and hiding away the setting suns light from the city below. The sight knitted Lucian's eye brows together, the Night Fury also surveying the weather beside him.

"Think we'll be okay here?" Em cooed, sitting beside the blond on the edge of the cliff. He groaned and moved his around as if to shake it but wasn't sure.

"Maybe?" He sang, earning a laugh from the brunette.

"Do you ever know anything?" She chirped back, the two shared a laugh and looked onto the scene. The mountains rolled into foot hills, and small vehicles sped down the narrow pathways in between. Trees clumped up in spots and dotted the miles of farmer fields, full of yellow or pale gold, telling Emlaisse they were to harvest soon. The two dragons, that sat beside their riders, glared at the city below, the black Fury pinning his ears to down and dipping his head, while the Wraith simply grumbled. The two getting baby talk voices from their riders and gentle pats and scratches.

"The dragon's hate this place..." Lucian cooed, peering down at the large city that he was sure the reptiles could hear every dressed up pick-up truck speeding down the roads.

"Not even in the city and it's still so loud" Em sighed, her own gaze narrowing.

"Yeah, I'm hoping we wont ever have to go into the city. But, considering the way those two are... I'm sure we're going to have a few glorious trips through their streets" Lucian grumbled. A glance was casted towards the Stormcutter and small Deathgripper chasing each other in the sky. He hoped they were high enough, and far enough that they wouldn't get seen, but he still sent a displeased glare to the two. Emlaisse simply shook her head, her attention looking behind them at the older red and black dragon sleeping. His rider laying against his side scribbling something his notebook while Eyla read a book on the other side of the dragon.

"So, what are we going to do?" Em questioned with a tilted head. Lucian took in a long breath, his gaze floating over the scene ahead as he continued to think.

"We do have to get home, we can't just stay in the future" Em continued, her brows furrowed as she stared at the blond. Lucian let out an deflated sigh, looking away from the brunette to watch the dragons chase each other in the sky.

"I know. I don't want to be back in this era anymore than you do. But, I just- How?" He sighed, cold blue eyes meeting the emerald hue of the girl's.

"I know we have problems here.... I mean, Eyla almost got ran over by two cars already. Elusion and Father can't be far apart for more than two minutes. Vic and Spot are just straight up reckless. But, what makes you think we can just walk through an entire millennium again? We don't even know how it happened in the first place, so until then. We're stuck here." Lucian ranted, letting a deflating sigh exit him as he finished. The two sat on the edge of the cliff as they thought about how to return back to their viking era.

"Well, we can't live in a cave either" Em sighed, letting her attention glide between all her friends.

"Like hell we can't" Lucian chirped, a smile threatening to pull his lips up, completely breaking free when the infamous slap of the girl pushed him a little to the side.

"We can't live in a cave." She said more sternly, but a smile still stretched her face. The blond rolled his eyes and shook his head with a calming chortle.

"Well... Maybe we can find our parents? Or an old friend? See if they can help us in some way?" Lucian suggested, a subtly hopeful glance was sent to the brunette, who simply shook her head.

"I never met my parents, and didn't entirely have any friends growing up either" She explained, a sigh left the blond as he continued to think.

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