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Simon's POV
Evening was just settling over the villa when I left he lads in the kitchen to go get ready to head out for our first night meal.

JJ, Josh, Ethan and Harry were all still in the kitchen while the others were all upstairs either unpacking or getting changed.

I made my way through the lounge of the villa, up the stairs and down the hall past all the couples' rooms on my way up towards mine and Liv's room.

We were at the end of the ong hallway across from the Cal's, with Harry and Will beside them and JJ's single room beside us. I could hear Cal and Lux throwing something at each other as I passed their room, I peaked in and laughed as I caught Cal getting batted in the face with a slider.

When we'd gotten back the girls had all been in the pool splashing and hitting each other with pool noodles so once it's dropped dark they had all started going to get ready in their rooms.

Part of me felt bad that the girls were outnumbered here but then again, Freya basically lived at ours with Josh and was used to it and Liv was the Harry and Cals whisperer having put up with living with them for five years now.

Will was alone in his and Harry's room unpacking, he was surprisingly neat as Liv and Gee had told us all. I myself tried to be neat when a lot but I was busy so it was harder.

I could now hear a shower going somewhere down the hall, probably one of the girls in the couples rooms which made me speed up, we were going out in less then an hour.

Will looked up at me as I passed the door giving me a nod, "alright lad?"
"Yeah man, how's unpacking going?" I replied.
"Fine thanks." He nodded and I nodded back. It wasn't awkward, just oddly friendly.

Finally, I broke the eye contact and moved away from the door frame, eventually reaching mine and Liv's room and knocking at the door before I came in.

"Come in." A soft voice called out and I couldn't help but smile. Me and my crush were sharing a room for ten days and I felt like the luckiest guy alive.

Mine and Liv's room, like the other twin rooms was simple, plain and white. With pristine crisp bedsheets and curtains and white washed walls, tile floors to keep it cool and all white furniture. 


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"Hey." I muttered as I spotted Liv. She was sat on the floor of our room, in front of her bed her back to the door as she sat against the fat bed, facing the french sliding window/doors to the balcony.

She had her case between her legs as she stretched them either side of it. Her legs were so straight though, that it was weird to look at at first. I knew she'd done dance her whole life back in the north east and I knew she was still extremely flexible having seen her do all sorts of contortions and flips in r time we'd been friends but seeing her doing things like the splits or sitting the way she currently was still made me cringe. She made it look scarily easy. "How do you do that with your legs?" I asked for what felt like the hundredth time."
"I just can." Was the usual reply as she looked up to me and laughed then looked back down.

Her suit case was thrown open as she rummaged through it. Her hair was still slightly wet from the shower she'd had after we got back and found the girls in the pool.

She was currently in what I could only describe as a garishly yellow towel with her wet brown hair falling around her shoulders and her face completely free of makeup.

Not many people knew this, cause she covered them with make up, but Liv's face was awash with a myriad of freckles. I thought they made her gorgeous. She hated them.

I loved them- they were little dots pattered around her nose and cheeks that made her skin glow underneath and gave her a mysterious, natural beauty like some sort of join-the-dots puzzle I wanted to crack.

"Hey, the guys done setting up the kitchen?" She asked not looking up, but clearly addressing me. "Yeah, everyone's gone to get ready." I replied and she finally looked up to me.

"Sorry was I hogging the shower?" She asked and I shrugged it off, "no, it's fine......I'm gonna go in now......nice towel." I joked and she snorted a laugh.

"Thanks." Was her response. "It's Harry's, all of mine were in the back of the airing cupboard when I was packing."
"Fair play." I chuckled and she smiled.

"Do you want the wardrobe? I don't mind living out of my case." She offered and I shuck my head. "We can share it, I only really wanna hang up my night shirts." I replied.

"Same with my dresses....bikini's and day shorts and tops can crumple for all I care." She nodded.

She held out her hand as of saying 'help me up' and I didn't hesitate to take it and help her stand around her case. Her small hand in mine was warm, her jewellery however felt cold against my closed hand while her skin radiated heat. Her slightly long nails felt nice against my skin and her soft skin was calming to touch.

With such a small interaction I felt so many emotions course through me. But we both miscalculated her position standing when I let go and she wasn't as sturdy as I though so she stumbled slightly her leg hitting her case as she fell against my chest while tried to stop her.

I held her arms and I tried to steady her while also begging my own heart to stop beating so fast. Her chest was pushed right against mine with only my t-shirt and the towel in the way of our skin so she could probably feel it. Her face was close to mine as she was looking up into my eyes for a moment.

We all called her short but compared to most girls she wasn't at a whopping 5'10 she always said that Freya was taller but she wasn't. Her big brown eyes bore into mine as I coughed and tried to calm my raging thoughts.

"Shit sorry." She exclaimed as if coming out of a trance and all I could  muster was a nervous chuckle in response. "N....no problem, you al....you alright?"

"Fine." She said and I nodded slowly letting her go once I knew she could stand detached from me on her own. "I....I'm gonna go take a shower." I stuttered and she nodded. "Ok."

And that was how left her.

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