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(Liv❤️ has sent you a snap)


Liv❤️: Merry Xmas bby, can't wait to see you New Year's Eve. Sophie, Lu and Will say hi (btw he found out- oops 🤷‍♀️.) hope you have a lush day. Give your fam my love xxx

 Give your fam my love xxx

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Simon's POV

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Simon's POV

The two Snapchats that Liv sent me brought a smile to my face seeing her smiling and laughing with her siblings.

I'd not seen many photos of Sophie or Luke and although Liv and Will looked related- Liv never mentioned how Sophie was the double of her.

She looked so happy and care free in those photos not stressed or worried like she often became- it was nice.

I quickly shot her a silly selfie back in my new Christmas jumper before I typed out an equally as sappy message.

To Liv❤️: Hey beautiful, merry Xmas. Hope you have a lush day too. Sending all my hugs and kisses. See you on New Years. Tell Sophie and Luke I say hi and tell Will thanks for the support. Hope you have a lovely day 😘 xx

It felt strange texting my girlfriend, such a foreign concept for me to have one. I really liked Liv and I could see myself with her for our futures. This Christmas might of just been one of the happiest I'd had yet.


Liv's POV

Christmas Day was always hectic here in the Lenney household with mum and me cooking, Will and Dad keeping the dog and the kids entertained and Nan and Granda coming over. But it was always a happy day.

"Olivia!" The minute our Nana walked through the door she pounced on me and enveloped me into her arms. "Nan!" I squealed not prepared to be squeezed so hard. "Oh my grand-baby! Where's that brother of yours? William! William!"

Nana Dorothy (or Nana Dot as we called her) was a nutter for sure. But always in a good way. Her and Grandad Andy had met when he was working in the coal mines and she was a cashier in the local corner bakery where he'd get his daily lunch roll before work. It's been love at first sight- or so they always told us.

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