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"Luke this one is for you, it's from me and Will." I passed Luke over a small box wrapped in silver wrapping paper and he gave us both an odd look. "What is it?"
"Just open it lad." Will patted his shoulder before the two of us shared a look.

"Don't worry, you'll really like it." I assured him and yet again he looked at us confused. But then he gave up trying to get us to talk and decided to just go ahead and open the gift.

Inside he found a small envelope and slowly he pulled that out too, examining it on his hands before he pulled it open and peered inside. "What the.......a train ticket?" He seemed so confused and Will and I both nodded at him with the same smile.

"Wait?......wait it's for the thirtieth!" He yelled excitedly and I released a small laugh. "You get it now?"
"Oh my god you're taking me to London with you?"

"Aye lad, you're eighteen and we haven't been able to properly take you out yet so you're coming with us for New Years.....if you want to." Will explained and with out answering verbally, Luke just threw himself across dad and Sophie and dived onto Will and I squeezing us both.

"Thank you." He mumbled into our shoulders and we both laughed, "no problem." We said in-sync.
"Gonna show you how to party London style." Will joked and I giggled.

"And you can help me threaten Simon." He added.
"William I will kill you." I scowled.
"Ok Luke let go of them.......Sophie sweet heart you open your gift next."

But Sophie did not look happy. "I can't believe you two are taking him and not me."
"You're fourteen." Will argued and she shrugged, "so?"
"So you're not coming to stay with a bunch of idiot rowdy YouTubers on your own." I agreed with Will.

"Fine but in four years time, you owe me."
"Sure we do." Will ruffled her brown hair. "You keep us to that."


"You're sure you wanna leave your car with us love?" Mum asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, give it to Luke when he gets back, it'll help for school, plus he'd got his license now."

"Alright......you three have fun and look after Luke for me you two." Mum pulled Will, Luke and I into one last hug before dad pulled her away and allowed us to walk towards the ticket doors. "You excited?" I asked my baby brother as the three of us waved goodbye to mum and dad who began to pull her away.

"Yeah, I'm so ready to meet everyone."
"And you will. Come on." Will went first through the ticket gate then Luke, then me. The three of us lugged our suitcases towards our platform where we got a coffee from a nearby vendor and waited patiently for our train to arrive.

It was about a five hour train journey from Newcastle Central Station to London's KingsCross so to pass the time the three of us played with a deck of uno cards over and over then the boys bunched up on their side of the train booth and I squeezed in beside them to watch a movie on Will's laptop.

All in all it was nice to spend time with my brothers, we all missed Sophie when we had sibling time without her but like Willard I had said, she was too young for the taste test that we were giving Luke of our crazy London lifestyle.

Our train came into KingsCross at about six that evening and because we were all rather tired from the train and Luke was supposed to be crashing at mine, Harry and Cal's we decided to head straight to the tower.

We grabbed a Nando's takeaway on the way before we called an Uber and journeyed to my home. I always missed London when I was away, not like I missed the North East- because that was were I was raised, that was different, but j in missed the life.

I missed London cause I missed the people, the places and the vibrancy. It was my new home with my friends- like my second family.

"Which floor do you live on?" Luke asked as he looked around the fancy elevator of my building in awe. "Twelfth." I said pointing at the right button. "Cool." He pushed the button and the doors began to close but just before they did someone stopped it from outside with their foot and the doors suddenly slid open again.

"Sorry." Came a voice as three figures were revealed by the door. "Hi boys." Will was the first to recognise Simon, Josh and Tobi who all looked up at us and gave us smiles.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, overjoyed to finally see my boyfriend in the flesh after a week and a half away from one another. Sadly our friends didn't know so we still had to refrain from acting too couple-y with our reunion, settling for a friendly hug that I then gave to Tobi and Josh too.

"Ah hey Will, Livvy." Josh nodded at
us each while the other two eyed our brother curiously from where he stood gaping behind Will's taller frame.

"Joshua.....congratulations by the way." I smirked at Josh who I tipped my head at as the three gathered into the elevator with us. "Aye lad, congrats." Will shuck his hand as the doors closed again.

Simon's eyes bore into me as Will nodded at him and Tobi too, I noticed how my brother's glare lasted a little longer on Simon but soon softened with a distinct nod of acceptance, to which Simon visibly became less tense.

"Nice Christmas?" Tobi asked noticing how quiet it had gone. "Oh yeah, we brought our brother with us to show him the London life- he turned 18 in September." Will then snapped from his daze and motioned to Luke who we all turned to look at.

"Hey man, I'm Josh." Josh kindly extended the first hand to shake in the bro-friendly boyish way. But my brother was a far cry from subtle to the first thing to tumble from his mouth was:


Luke exclaimed this while staring wide-eyed at our friends and my boyfriend, who in this moment I would have done anything to kiss- but Josh and Tobi didn't know.

"Yeah man, what's your name?" Tobi asked extending a hand too with an airy laugh. "oh...uh......it's....I'm lu....i'm Luke."
"Having a bit of trouble remembering your name there buddy?" Will teased him to which I swatted at his arm, "leave him be they're his idols."

"I should be his bloody idol, I'm a way better YouTuber." Will scoffed jokingly and we all laughed. "Yeah over their dead bodies mate." Luke sassed him back and I was wheezing.

I love my bothers.

"Well welcome to London Lucas." Tobi wrapped an arm around my (taller then him) brother's shoulders in a kind gesture, "thanks." He nodded, "I'm excited to finally see those two drunk.....they never get too bad in front of mum and dad.......but I've heard whispers."

"I don't think I've ever seen your sister drunk drunk." Tobi said and we all laughed, "you have I'm just well behaved."

"That our you started backing blue wickeds and vodka red bulls at age twelve and grew an intolerance." Luke made another joke in an attempt to impress the boys, which he did and I smiled.

I was so happy to see him being so open and excited. This holiday had been one of the best ever. Now all that was left was to party into the new year and finally reunite with my secret boyfriend.


Hi all,

Happy Easter 🐣.

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Ready for some drama next chapter? 😈

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The Apple Lady x

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