twenty two.

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Took You Long Enough
Pairing: Mac x Reader
Warning: fluff
Summary: It'd been a long time since you had seen him, you're college sweetheart. You had not expected him to show up at your work building. Last you heard he was still serving as an EOD tech and yet here he was.

"I'm pretty sure he was checking me out" Lauren said before biting a piece of salad off her fork

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"I'm pretty sure he was checking me out" Lauren said before biting a piece of salad off her fork.

"You've been saying that for two weeks now and he still hasn't asked you out yet" you said and she rolled her eyes which only caused you to chuckle.

"He's nervous, it's hard to be attracted to someone as hot as me" her statement caused you to laugh before placing some food into your mouth.

"It's either that or you're a professional at finding the one in a science lab" you told her and she smiled.

"The one isn't always hiding, you have to open your eyes once in a while and look up from the equations" Lauren told you and you sighed as you continued to eat your lunch. That's when she spotted the tall blonde across the the courtyard a few other picnic tables always. "Speaking of the one"

You turned to see who she was staring at and that was when the wind got knocked out you. You watched as he stepped forward and shook hands with your boss. In an all black suit he looked so grown up and professional. Even after all these years he made your heart skip a beat. "Oh no"

"How could you say oh no while looking at that piece of man. If you're not gonna go for him I will" you began to shake your head and Lauren finally realized something was up.

"That's Mac" you told her and her mouth dropped.

"You mean like the only guy you ever loved Mac, the only guy you ever-" you held your hand up to cut her off.

"Yeah the one that broke my heart Mac" you told her and she grinned.

"Well he's looking over here so you better go say hi" she told you and you shook your head.

"I'd rather not, after all the things I've thought of saying to him the last few years the only thing that seems appropriate now is to show him what he missed out on" so with that you took the clip out of your hair and stood with your lunch. Lauren was never one to disagree with looking attractive so she stood and swung her hips a little more just like you. But the empowering moment soon turned into embarrassing as you weren't paying attention when Ryan, another coworker stood from his picnic table you were passing and accidentally bumped you back. The corner of the picnic table hit your legs and sent you down into the grass and garden dirt.

"Y/N!" the all to familiar voice exclaimed as you laid there in your misery. Lauren tried her hardest not to laugh as Mac came over and grabbed your hand. Ryan apologized profusely as Mac pulled you to your feet.

"Falling for me again huh?" he said and Lauren raised her eyebrows at you as the blonde boy flirted.

"More like a crappy way of escaping" you told him as you began to brush off your behind. He reached to help and you gasped and pushed his hand away as it brushed across your ass. Lauren began to walk away with Ryan so you two would have more privacy.

"Now where's that happy Y/N I know?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.

"Well considering you broke up with her out of no where and left you might've lost the right to know her anymore" you told him as you went to pick up the lunch bag that had been lost in the interaction.

"Oh don't be like that cricket" he said and you stopped as he called you the old nickname that used to make your heart flutter.

"I want to know what you're doing here Mac?" you asked and he sighed. Seeing you had been on his mind since the day he left. Thousands of letters he wrote and never sent. He knew he did you wrong but didn't plan on loosing you forever. And now seeing you, even more gorgeous he wanted you back even more.

"Well my work sent me over, I needed some assistance" he told you and you sighed.

"Well I better get back to work" you said and began to walk away but Mac wasted no time falling in step beside you. He went to wrap his arm around you but you shoved him away which only made him laugh and continue to follow you.

"Thank you for escorting Mr. MacGyver Dr. L/N" your boss said as you entered the lab with the handsome blonde boy still following you. The meeting went by quick and you and your team covered a lot of information. Mac looked handsome as ever as he moved around the table and circled and solved important things. But you weren't as oblivious as your team and you knew Mac did much more than work at a think tank. Once every one left the room you crossed your arms to look at the blonde boy who erased the work from the table.

"You might be able to fool them but not me Mac, what do you actually do?" you asked and Mac smirked. You were always smart, that's why he loved you.  He knew you could figure it out.

"Safer you don't know" he said and you sighed.

"Look I don't know what to say to you okay? But I was doing pretty good on my own. So I'd like to know why you are here stirring up questions and emotions?" Mac raised his eyebrows at you and slowly began to walk over.

"Emotions huh?" he asked as he got so close your face was only inches from his. He tucked your hair behind your ear and you sighed.

"Despite the fact you left me I still loved you for a very long time, so to avoid any mixed emotions I'd prefer you answer my question and disappear for another few years" Mac sighed, you knew just how to drive him crazy and despite what he says he loves it.

"Well I'm not allowed to talk about my job, but I'd like to talk more about how you feel for me" he smirked as he placed a hand on your waist and pulled you into him.

"How I used to feel for you" you corrected him but he just smiled and started to sway you.

"So you're not feeling anything right now?" he asked and you began to get nervous.

"Not a bit" smirking he leaned closer to your face before dipping his head towards your neck.

"How about now?" he whispered, his lips brushing your skin and then closing into a soft kiss on your neck. You started to breath heavily and you worried he'd notice.

"No-no" you stuttered and he knew he got to you.

"Well if you won't talk about how you feel I will" he said before pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"I never wanted to leave you but when my Grandpa died I needed to feel useful again. So I joined the army and I loved you to much to let you spend every day worrying about me. I didn't break up with you because I didn't care, I broke up with you because I cared about you so much I didn't want to put you through all of it while I figured out my life. I have thought about you every single day since the moment I left. I loved you then and I love you now. My only wish is that you'll love me back" you're heart was beating so fast you weren't sure what to do. Mac was the one, the only one and you knew it. He knew it and you did too.

"Took you long enough" you said before kissing him. He smiled against your lips before wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off your feet. You kissed him for a while until he set you back on your feet.

"So it's you and me again?" he asked and you smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, and I will figure out what your job is"

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