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Pairing: Mac x Reader
Warning: angst & some fluff
Summary: You'd been so busy with work it took a while for you to notice how distant Mac had been getting. Before you knew it, it was clear to see how much closer with Desi he had gotten and the last thing you wanted was to lose him.

Watching Mac work had always been one of your favorite things

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Watching Mac work had always been one of your favorite things. Yet it had been a while since you've taken the time to notice. Mac now wore a Grimm look, a dark veil of underlying pain as he worked on his motorcycle in the living room. Slowly shutting the computer you were using you took more time to study the dark cloud. A loud ding from the computer indicating an email sent Mac's dark look into a sour grimace. This left an unsettling feeling in the bottom of your stomach. This time it was Mac's phone that dinged. As soon as he looked at the message the dark cloud was washed away and a light smile graced the corner of his lip. 

"Hey babe, I gotta head out?" Mac stood from the bike and wiped the grease from his hands onto a spare rag.

"Matty?" Mac's small smile disappeared as he looked into your eyes.

"No, a friend" at this you rose your eyebrows. Naturally Bozer was with Leanna and Riley was not one to ask to hang out with Mac alone. Jack had been gone still so clearly there wasn't many more options for friends.

"Oh really, who?" Mac had tensed up even more. He had never been one to lie to you and if he started now it wouldn't be right. He glanced at the name across the screen with 'coffee?' under it. 

"Um Desi actually, she just wants to grab a cup of coffee?" after this you were more stomach sick than before. You weren't oblivious. You saw it every time they were together. Mac and her were flirty and this was just too far. Coffee dates wasn't something you could keep an eye on. Campfires and beer was easy to maintain but Mac leaving you home alone on a Sunday afternoon to get coffee with some girl who was just their to replace Jack. It sent rage throughout your whole body and you were warm with anger. 

"Oh, clearly you just have to go" the sarcasm dripped off your tongue like honey and Mac's body instantly went cold. 

"Whats that supposed to mean, if it was Riley you wouldn't be acting like this?" Mac stepped closer to the counter where you sat. 

"It's supposed to mean that you should be at home with your girlfriend on a Sunday night instead of leaving her for some new girl who clearly has feelings for you, Riley doesn't so I wouldn't act like this with her?" Mac felt sick again because he knew you were right but he had every reason to be upset as well.

"Why would I ever stay home with my girlfriend on a Sunday night when I know she'll spend the whole night writing emails instead of paying attention to me" Mac had snapped and it had hit you hard.

"I get it, I've been a little caught up in work but you cheating doesn't even that out" Mac felt his heart clench. 

"Who said I was cheating?" this argument had quickly picked up and both of you had been regretting it. 

"I watch you Mac, you smile and laugh with her like you used to with me. I see the looks you give her, the smile when you received that text. I'm not blind, I do pay attention to the things you do because I love you" Mac slammed his hand down on the counter.

"You don't think I love you too. God Y/N, of course I love you. I would never cheat on you. I'm not flirting with Desi, she's my friend" you felt tears prick at the back of your eyes as Mac snapped. 

"Then why does it seem like she's so much more?" Mac could see the hurt clear as day on your face. This whole time he'd been so upset about you not giving him attention he stopped giving it to you as well and hadn't realized. 

"I act the way I do with Desi to get your attention. I don't even remember the last time you touched me. I miss you Y/N and after a while of you not noticing my efforts I realized I enjoyed the attention Desi gives me back" hearing this your heart had shattered. You hadn't meant to ignore Mac, work had just been so busy. Finally you let the tears stream down your face.

"Oh my God, Mac I'm so sorry. I hadn't realized how I had been so distant. I never meant to make you feel that way" as Mac saw the tears stream down your face he realized you didn't mean to stop paying attention. Walking forward he wrapped you in his arms. 

"It's okay baby, I know you didn't. Here I'll text Desi and tell her you and me got plans. I was thinking movie night, just you and me. No computer and no motorcycle" smiling up at him you nodded as he wiped away your tears. 

"Sounds good to me" walking over to the couch with Mac had been such relief after the past few months of being so distant. Despite the small argument and pain at least you knew he was still yours. 

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