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Pairing: Lucas x Reader
Warning: nothing but fluff
Summary: Based off the song Goodbye by Miley Cyrus

GoodbyePairing: Lucas x Reader Warning: nothing but fluffSummary: Based off the song Goodbye by Miley Cyrus

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7 am sharp the alarm went off like it always did. Yet it didn't feel like you were sleeping. The flashes of his hands on your waist, the burning sensation on your lips. Slowly turning over you looked at the worn photograph on the night stand the tears pricking at your eyes. Slowly you grabbed your phone, your thumb hovering just above his name but you couldn't do it. Chucking your phone in frustration you allowed the tears to fall.

Slowly standing up you walked over to the CD player on the dresser. You already knew what was in there so all you had to do was press play. As soon as the music filled the room the tears turned to full blown sobs. You couldn't help but grab the phone again but just as before you couldn't do it. It had only been 2 weeks and you couldn't help but wonder if he was going through this much pain as well.

Through the morning it was never ending. As you made breakfast, showered, and sat down in the living room the song played on repeat as the tears clouded your vision. You couldn't stop it because all that came back was the feeling of his hands on your hips, kiss on your lips, all the simple things and all at once the one thing you wanted to forget would come back. Goodbye.

Picking up the phone once more you stared at his name until it burned your eyes. The picture of his smile, so wide it could brighten any room, he used to look at you like that. But what the picture couldn't show was the shimmer of his eyes as he stared at you. The obvious love he had that now led up to nothing.

Suddenly the phone rang and you jumped, the phone clattering to the ground. Peering at it you saw his name and tears came back again. Hesitating you grabbed the phone and answered. "Hello"

"Oh thank God" his voice was hoarse. Enough to tell you he had been crying himself.

"Why are you calling?" you tried to pull it together but your voice cracked at the end and gave you away. You were both hurting.

"I've tried so hard for the last two weeks to stop. But the tears won't stop. All I can think about is the feeling of your kiss, and how we'd dance even with no music playing, and everything else. From how you smiled at me when I said good morning, and your giggle when I tickled you, and all those nights we laid together and you stared at me so lovingly. I can't get you out of my head" you couldn't help the tears as you heard him say this. He was going through the same pain you were.

"And the one thing I regret. The one thing I wish you would forget is me saying goodbye" you could hear him crying on the other end and you joined in. The only thing coming from each side of the phone was the tears. Yet through them all you managed.

"Then don't ever say it again"

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