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I Know This Trick
Pairing: Mac x Reader
Warnings: smutty
Summary: You couldn't quite recall where the line had been blurred between you and Mac. You weren't quite official but you weren't exactly just friends. Any chance the two of you could be alone you had spent it in the bedroom. The need for each other increasing more and more everyday. Mac becoming a different and sexier man in your eyes everyday.

To be walking out of the Phoenix doors to say was a relief

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To be walking out of the Phoenix doors to say was a relief. The mission had lasted a week and you had spent all of that time in a foreign country with only the outfit you had on your back. You needed a shower in every sense of the word and some way to relieve the tension. Now normally you had come across a more pleasureful way to do just that but sadly your partner in doing so was still stuck inside for debriefing.

You got home quickly and had immediately thrown out the outfit you had sweat in and was covered in dirt before hopping in the shower. For a good amount of time you just stood there soaking and waiting until the water at your feet stopped swirling in brown colors. The shower took longer than expected but the water was at least relieving some of the tension in your back.

Cutting off the water your reached out and grabbed the towel to wrap around you. Startled you yelped as you stepped out of the shower and saw Mac standing in the doorway. "Mac-"

"Don't talk. Do you know how hard it is to spend a week with you?" you started to shake your head with confusion and he pulled off his leather jacket before stepping closer to you. "It's hard because I'm with you but I'm not really with you"

"You think it wasn't hard for me either" you smirked up at him and that was when you finally noticed the dark hue in his eyes. It was extremely sexy and it made your stomach clench in various different ways.

"I need you. All of you" Mac reached down and unhooked his belt. Snapping it off his jean loops he grabbed your wrists and started to tie them together.

"I know this trick. But I've only seen you use it on fugitives" Mac had to try and gain control as you spoke. It was true the whipping off of the belt was a common thing for him in the field. But it was much hotter to do it to you.

"Well you've done a crime" he muttered, the dark hue bathing your own eyes.

"I did?" you whispered in his face, your hot breath lapping at his skin. He closed his eyes and let out a small groan which earned you a smile. "What could I have possibly done Angus?"

"Well for starters your hot ass was with me all week but I never got a chance to touch it and you know what calling me Angus does" he had finished his tie job and tugged you closer.

"That's exactly why I did it" you whispered again and he began to unbutton his shirt. As soon as he took it off you could see his hip bones were barely holding up his jeans from the belt being removed to tie your hands. Mac was already a skinny guy but to see his muscular abdomen barely holding up his pants was doing something to you.

"Well now that just makes it much more fun for me" Mac tugged your arms by the belt forward and into your bedroom. When he shoved you down on the bed the towel finally came loose and fell to the ground. This made things seem much more vulnerable.

Mac stepped toward you as he started to unbutton his pants. Lifting your hands forward you released the zipper, finally allowing them to fall considering how loose they were without the belt. Once both pairs of clothing had been removed Mac lifted your strained hands above your head before crawling over you.

"You think you know all my tricks huh?" his voice was thick and you visibly swallowed as he blew each word across your face and chest, leaving behind cool stings of air with your still damp skin.

"I'd like to think I do" Mac smirked at your nervous response. Slowly he leaned down, his lips barely brushing against yours. You shuddered, waiting for him to close them but he just smiled and kissed your cheek. He continued to smirk until he was sucking on your neck. You started to moan but he pressed a hand to your lips to make you stop.

"Shhh baby" you nodded and he started to move his kisses lower. You squirmed as you tried to not let out the moans. You moved your hands down around his neck and he stopped and moved back up to your face.

"Who said you can move your hands?" pouting slightly you stared into his dark blue eyes.

"I'm sorry Angus" growling he finally kissed your lips. You smiled as he finally closed the space between you.

"Hey Y/N do you have any- HOLY SHIT" both you and Mac pulled apart as Riley covered her eyes. Mac pulled the covers over the both of you as you giggled slightly. "What the hell, since when have you two? You said don't worry about knocking!"

"I'm sorry Riley, I assumed you would at least knock on my bedroom door" you replied and she sighed still covering her eyes.

"That's not the point, can I look now?" chuckling you muttered a yes and she lowered her hands to see you two cuddled up under the bed sheets.

"Since when has this been happening?" she motioned between the two of you guys and you looked at Mac before pecking his cheek. Your tied hands laying in front of you which Riley was still questioning but chose not to bring up whatever kinky shit the two of you were into.

"We're not really sure when it started but it's happening" Mac smiled at you and started kissing your neck as you turned back to Riley.

"Okay, okay stop. Finish once I leave" she started towards to door and you started giggling as Mac's kisses started to tickle.

"Oh and don't say anything. We will tell the rest later" rolling her eyes Riley shut the door and let you two finish what you started.

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