thirty four

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chapter thirty four
"sex me right now!"

chapter thirty four"sex me right now!"

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LYNN PEELED OPEN HER heavy eyelids even against all of her will to just return back to her light slumber — she wasn't sure how much wolfsbane she was dosed with, or what kind, but this was much different compared to when Lydia had dosed their drinks at her birthday party.

Her breathing was rapid, however at the same time it seemed as if she wasn't getting enough oxygen into her lungs like she needed. Lynn had returned to resting her back against the wall when she felt as if her feet could no longer carry her, figuring rest would be the only way she'd find the strength to find a way out.

Although, there was a sudden strength that shifted through her bones when she recognized the voice that rang out throughout the darkness.

"Derek?" Lynn mumbled out like a faint whisper, and she placed a palm on the cold flooring for support as she pushed herself up, even though her bones were screaming for her to stop.

Lynn shifted through the shadows while her hands never left the wall she was tracing for support, and she furrowed her blue eyes as they landed on more light that had even been in the bank vault — realizing there was now a wide, damaged hole in one of the stone sides of the vault.

"Evelynn?" Derek called out, his worried eyes had then switched in relief when he recognized the outline of Lynn's curves, but was once again replaced with concern when he realized her pain, her weakness.

"See, I knew you guys couldn't go a day without me," Lynn faintly grinned while letting out a dry chuckle.

     Lynn's smirk had then shifted more so into a smile when her eyes landed on Derek's body — and she wasn't sure she had ever been so happy to see him before. A part of her was inspired to just leap forward into the tightest of hugs and just take a moment to feel his touch on hers.

Suddenly, interrupting the two werewolves staring deeply at each other, the door to the bank vault was swung open.

      The light almost hurt Lynn's eyes at her, and she winced a bit and raised her forearm to shield her eyes. A sigh escaped her lips as her head started to ring ever so slightly, and she raised her hand to press it against her temple.

      But Lynn was snapped out of her distracted gaze as roars echoed throughout the small, stone covered walls. She glanced forward just in time for Cora to dart towards Derek and Scott, and unfortunately, it seemed as if Boyd's yellow eyes had targeted herself.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now