thirty seven

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chapter seven


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Lynn stifled an awkward laugh as she gained all three of the teenagers attention standing around her — Isaac, Allison, and then Finley. The four students were still stuck in lunchtime detention, where they were restocking the janitors closet together. But once her friends all gave her unamused glances, she puckered out her lips in an attempt at no longer chuckling.

Finley and Isaac had quite a few packages of paper towels in their hands, where Lynn had two jugs of hand soap, and Allison was fiddling around with a broom.

They weren't really conversing, probably because Allison had tried to kill Isaac, he and Lynn weren't sure what terms they were on, and poor Finley was just thrown in the middle of the nonsense.

Lynn glanced over her shoulder when she smelled the way anxious was starting to reck from Isaac, and she recognized the way the boy hesitantly entered the storage closet.

Right, he was stuffed in a freezer for more than half his life.

"Is he alright?" Finley questioned softly to Lynn, and figuring with the way Isaac didn't seem to tense up, he wasn't paying enough attention to hear her words.

"Long story," Lynn replied while placing another toilet paper roll on a different shelf. The two were quiet for a second, but then Lynn switched between the way Finley kept looking back over to Isaac. "Does someone have a crush?"

Finley's cheeks started to glow with the slightest red, and Lynn chuckled a bit under her breath while an amused smirk, "Of course not!"

"Of course not my ass," Lynn shook her head with a toothy grin, and then it began to shift moreso into a genuine smile. "He's a good guy, you know."

Lynn stared at Isaac as a little smile crossed his lips, and he let out a short laugh at something Allison had just said.

"Wait, you two aren't like.?" Finley asked, and Lynn immediately jerked her head in the girls direction with a dramatic gasp.

"Oh God no, been there, done that," Lynn commented, shaking her head repeatedly as she managed to finish reorganizing the toilet paper level of the shelf. "It's just, there's this guy, and I can't shake the feeling he gives me."

"You don't seem like the girl to settle down," Finley giggled more to herself than anything, but Lynn couldn't help but join along with her.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now