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chapter two
"full moon"

      "GREAT, FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is going swimmingly

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"GREAT, FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is going swimmingly."

Lynn popped her jaw off to the side as irritation flowed throughout her veins, not to mention that the full moon tonight didn't seem to be helping her anger issues. Perhaps she should've stayed home just like her mother originally suggested.

Currently, Lynn was on her way back to Mr. Harris' class for detention after school. The rest of her classes weren't necessarily hard, and none of the teachers seemed to be a blunt and harsh as Mr. Harris, so that was a plus. She just couldn't wait to see the reaction written on her mother's face when she arrived home late only to tell her she managed to get detention on her first day, on second thought, she would wait.

      Although, there was a bit of comfort knowing that Stiles, the boy she had met earlier in Chemistry, would also be serving a detention alongside Lynn. Right before class ended, Stiles and Scott had tossed a paper ball at the back of Mr. Harris' head, causing them both to end up in the principal's office, but only Stiles was the one to earn a detention.

      As Lynn rounded a corner, she was unpleasantly surprised when she collided forcibly with another persons chest. All the books she had been carrying in her arms had fell to the ground in a sudden heap, and she narrowed her eyebrows angrily at whoever managed to run straight into her, but her annoyed expression faded when she recognized Scott.

      "Sorry! Gosh, I wasn't even looking where I was going, I'm in such a rush, I'm sorry," Scott apologized rather quickly where it took a second for Lynn to even comprehend what he was actually saying, but she just simply waved him off while kneeling down to pick up her fallen books.

      "Hey, maybe buy me a drink first," Lynn joked, letting a little laugh fall from her lips. Scott chuckled alongside her, and she could see the way his cheeks warmed up in the slightest way.

      While he was fetching everything, Scott had seemingly done the same thing, bending down so he could collect a few papers that escaped her folder. She flashed him a rather soft smile, before paying her attention back towards gathering up her stuff.

      But that was when the nose caught the whiff of a certain scent.

      Of another werewolf.

      Lynn jerked her head back upwards, making eye contact with a slightly confused Scott as to why she was suddenly so jumpy.

      "God, he stinks! His scent is so rather pungent, how in the hell did I not catch this before?" Lynn scolded herself in her mind, and she swiftly tucked all of her belongings back to her chest, clutching it so tightly as if her life depended on it.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now