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chapter eighteen
"i'm fine"

chapter eighteen"i'm fine"

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      "IS HE GONE?"

      LYNN QUESTIONED as she heaved herself off the ground, and her eyes fluttered over to Stiles and Derek still paralyzed on the floor. Jackson was standing in the doorframe, but it seemed as if he was being more diligent to Matt rather than watching the frozen ones.

      The gunshot wounds were almost done healing, and she hadn't heard much from the other rooms in awhile. She figured this was the best time if she wanted to catch Matt by surprised, so she shifted to laying on her side while using her palms for support.

      "Oh, thank God," Stiles breathed out, his head ever so slightly shifting in Lynn's direction. "I thought you were dead, dead."

      "Ye of so little faith," Lynn retorted, and she finally managed to push herself up from the ground.

      She placed a hand on the wall for support as she did so, and her eyes hovered in the slightest bit when she realized she left an entire handprint, because of the amount of blood she had covering her.

      When she heard Jackson snap his neck over on this direction, she pressed her whole body against the wall to avoid being seen by him. And when she didn't any footsteps approaching, Lynn figured he had just barely missed her.

      "How much longer do you think the venom will be in your system?" Lynn questioned softly, just barely lightening up from leaning against the wall.

      "I'm trying to trigger the healing process," Derek explained, and Lynn's eyes shifted down to his thigh, where he had dug his sharp claws into to bleed. "I can move my toes."

      "Dude, I can move my toes," Stiles sighed, and Lynn was about to speak up again, but was swiftly cut off when the lights flickered off, darkness completely swallowing the room.

      "What the hell?" Lynn questioned, but then she realized this was her chance, she could disappear into the shadows. So, she quickly glanced over to Stiles and Derek, not even like they could see her, and quickly stated. "I'll be right back."

       "Evelynn, no, don't—" Derek began, but then heard her soft footsteps as they raced down a separate hallway to the left. "—She never listens, does she?"

      "Don't worry," Stiles explained, amusement littering his tone of voice. "You start to get used to it after awhile."


      After Lynn heard the many gunshots come to a close, she cautiously peeked around a corner, using her werewolf vision to shift through the darkness.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now