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chapter twenty
"independence day!"


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      Lynn nervously chewed on the side of her cheek as she sucked in a deep breath, rolling her eyes for always being so utterly dramatic. She adjusted her black leather jacket that was covering a dark blue tank top, with a pair of dark blue jeans to match — and her infamous black high tops.

      Currently, she was standing right outside the destroyed and hardly still standing Hale house — after nonchalantly earning the address from Stiles without him even noticing. She had rode her motorcycle all the way over right after school, having a sinking feeling that she needed to resolve all of the issues she had been creating for herself lately.

      Lynn curiously peeled open an old and frail wooden front door, it making a quite awkward creaking noise as she did so. She peeked her head in, taking the softest step into the house — it looked mangled, where the stairs that led to a second floor were ruined and hardly standing, the flooring was giving out, and the ceiling seemed to be sinking to the point she could see the upstairs rooms.

      A few more steps into house, if she could even call it that, every board squeaked under her process. She wasn't even sure if Derek was here, his scent smelled fresh, but there was a chance he was back at his hidden away and abandoned bus station.

      As she rounded a corner to turn into what once looked like a living room, she spotted the back of Derek. How, in an instant, he swung on his heels to aim a massive shard of glass straight at Lynn — where she caught it just a few inches before it would've collided with her right eye. She let out a massively shaky breath, glancing from her reflection in the glass back towards Derek, who looked completely horrified.

      "I knew I was a bitch the other day, but that hurt my feelings," Lynn teasingly tilted her head, and she dropped the shard of glass down to the ground, it only shattering into even smaller pieces.

      "What are you doing here?" Derek asked, and there was slight irritation written in his voice, but not like it was directed at her.

      "I wanted to talk," Lynn spoke after a second of precisely picking out her words, and then she let a massive sigh float from her mouth. "God, I sound like an idiot."

Derek let out a muffled laugh while he crossed his arms over his muscled and toned chest, and just seeing the small smile tug on the corners of his lips made one appear on Lynn's.

She had hardly ever felt this way around someone before — where hearing Derek's laugh boom throughout the air would make her smile herself, where butterflies would appear in her stomach the second her ocean blue eyes met those emerald green ones of his, where just simply being in Derek's presence made her happier.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now