forty eight

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chapter forty eight


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ISAAC blinked a few times in order to control the emotion whelming up in the inner corners of his eyes — even though, Derek could already smell every single emotion dripping from his young Beta. How he feels guilty about Scott leaving, how concerned he is for his friends, how strong his love is for Lynn.

Derek's eyes didn't leave Evelynn — her body perfectly still as she laid out on his very comfortable mattress. He longed for the gentle time where the two just happily rolled around in it, not this weakened and hardly breathing Lynn, her arms stretched to the side. The occasional straggled breath would exhale from her lungs.

"I don't know," Derek softly replied, his slender fingers fiddling with one another, but it was more of a vent to let out some anger.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Isaac questioned, but there was light venom tracing in his tone of voice.

"I don't know."

The thick tension in the room was only blossoming tenfold within seconds — the Beta standing behind his Alpha, his jaw tightened as his eyes only flickered towards Lynn for a second. Isaac couldn't stand to look at how damaged and weak Lynn looked, he just couldn't.

"Want to figure something out? Because while Scott and Stiles are out there trying to help people from being killed, you are in here, just wasting time by Lynn's side—"

"—It's not a waste of time!" Derek howled, instinctively jumping up from his seat, where it made a loud squeaking noise from behind. His nostrils flared, eyes narrowed into slits, but he backed down when he noticed the way his anger was getting out of control — it wasn't Isaac's fault that Lynn was like this.

"Do you get how many people she's killed? Erica and Boyd are dead, Lynn is dying, and you are doing nothing!" Isaac growled back, getting just as equally threatening in Derek's face. "Why'd you do this to us, Derek? Was it all about the power?"


"Were you bored?"

Derek didn't dare answer.

"Were you lonely?"

Derek softly sat back in his chair by this time, where he just felt utter despair growing his heart. He did this, all of this, it's his own fault.

"Maybe," Derek murmured, his eyes dropping from staring at Lynn down to the ground, not having the strength to glance over to Isaac for his reaction. "I told Eve I wouldn't leave. I'll help the others when I figure out how to help her."

"There's no time!" Isaac snapped, throwing his arms aimlessly into the air as practical smoke left his ears, he was losing his patience, quick.

Isaac was waiting, no, he was begging. Begging for Derek to listen to him, begging for Lynn to just wake up and state it was all a nasty prank, begging for Scott to come back and everyone to be safe.

"The full moon's coming, the sheriff and Melissa are gonna be dead, so I'm gonna try and help them," Isaac stated with pure hatred, like venom dripping from a snakes fangs, and then he darted towards the door when it was finalized having this conversation was useless. "You can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing!"

Derek didn't look to witness his Beta exit the loft, but only got the answer when he finally heard the grand slam on the doors.

"I wouldn't take it personally."

Derek's attention shifted from listening to Isaac's fading angry footsteps as Peter started tracing down the stairs in the corner of his loft. The man seemed almost amused, not that he should be.

"Anger is just a tool," the older werewolf continued. "He's using it to excuse shifting allegiance from one Alpha to another — from you to Scott."

"Scott's not an Alpha yet," Derek interrupted, a sudden glare being flashed over his shoulder at Peter.

"But he's on his way, isn't he?"

The two werewolves remained silent for a moment, where Derek then shifted himself back over to Lynn. A loud cough escaped her system, riddled with congestion, but the beautiful blue eyes of the girl were no where to be seen.

"I've heard of something only an Alpha can do, and with good reason," Peter then explained, and the younger werewolf hastily switched over towards him as he spoke.

"Which is?" Questioned Derek softly, and there was hesitation clearly written all over his very defined facial features.

"You know normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack. They care for it. They bring it food from a kill and then regurgitate it into the mouth of the injured wolf. They even give it physical and emotional comfort by intensely grooming it," Peter, almost annoyingly, rambled on. "In a way, they can do more than just ease pain, they can be instrumental in healing their own."

"If you're trying to tell me I can save her, just tell me," Derek growled, growing tired of his uncle's treacherous, confusing ways.

"I'm telling you...I've heard it's possible," warned Peter, tilting his head off to the side, hardly any emotions could be filed in his eyes.


Another unbearable ripple of pain echoed throughout Lynn's body, making her softly jerk in the bed. Her shoulders went rigid, her body twitching endlessly.

Derek felt as if his entire being was on fire — seeing, even feeling the agony that his girl was going through. He had taken plenty of of her affliction already, but of course he knew the warning of taking too much. He just wanted to help her, he felt like he would do anything to help her.

"It's that spark of power that makes you an Alpha. When you take her pain, she draws on the power that provides you with those special gifts," Peter explained. "The power that heightens your senses, your strength, the power that transforms your body. As an Alpha, you have that bit of extra, that spark intensifies the color of your eyes from a bright yellow into a searing red."

"If I can save her..."

"If," Peter swiftly cut off, a threatening glare. "I didn't say it works every time, it could just as easily kill you."

"How do I do it? By taking her pain?" Derek asked, reaching out to hook his fingers around Lynn's soft hand, expecting to feel her usual warmth, but was unpleasantly surprised to only feel a bitterness.

"And then some — there's a cost."

a/n: wow i'm not dead! anyway sorry for the short chapter, i actually split up a decent sized chapter into two

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a/n: wow i'm not dead! anyway sorry for the short chapter, i actually split up a decent sized chapter into two. so i'm publishing the other tomorrow!! very excited for the end of s3 a <3

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