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chapter thirteen
"my obi-wan👻🥍"

      "NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME, are you?"

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      Lynn jerked her head when she heard Matt's voice echo again, and she let out a massive sigh while leaning her back against a brick wall. The two had taken a break from the dance floor — mostly because every time Matt inched closer to her she somehow managed to always step on his feet or elbow him in the gut.

      But was it intentional or just pure klutz of her? The world may never know.

      They were sitting on one of the many wooden benches that were placed against each of the brick walls that surrounded every side of the dance floor.

      "It's not that I'm not having a good time," Lynn explained with an extremely gentle tone, as if one wrong word and Matt's entire exterior would crumble. "I'm just distracted, really. I'm sorry, I'm probably not that much fun to be around right now."

      "You'll always be fun to be around, Lynn," Matt smiled towards Lynn, and she replied with her the corners of her lips turning in a faint one.

      Then, Matt's eyes switched from staring at Lynn's and they flickered down towards her pink lips, and they lingered. Lynn could feel her heart racing, thumping so hard it could quite possibly rip right out of her chest.

      Please, dear God, please do not kiss—

      Lynn was interrupted in her own thoughts as Matt suddenly leaned forward. He placed his rather dry lips onto Lynn's with in awkward placement and almost immediately; the boy tried to swipe his tongue against Lynn's lips.

      She merely kissed back for a second, probably even half a second, before she jerked backwards. Lynn lowered her face so he wouldn't see the embarrassed and slightly frightened expression she had crossing it, and she was pathetically scolding herself because all in all — this was her fault.

       Although she thought she had been a bit honest and blunt about not having feelings for Matt, he still seemed to think something was there. Perhaps it was because she said yes to the rave date or maybe even because she actually still showed up.

      "Uh, I-I'm sorry. That was — that was a huge mistake, I'm s-sorry," Matt spluttered and rambled, and Lynn sympathetically cringed up her face towards the boy.

      "N-no, this is definitely my fault, I'm sorry," Lynn quickly cut off the boy from anymore of his ranting, and her eyes flickered down to her fingertips nervously fiddling around with each other. "I don't mean to lead you on or anything, it's just...I'm really not into the whole dating thing."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now