thirty eight

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chapter thirty eight


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LYNN continued looking out the window of the moving bus with a dazed glance — her eyes weren't their usual bright blue, but glossed over, and there wasn't her usual sarcastic attitude nor a little amused smirk covering her lips. Her skin had faded from that sun kissed tan, more pale, and if you looked directly at her, the purple bags under her eyes were more prominate than usual.

She was numb.


Lynn finally snapped out of her distracted gaze with a sudden sniff of air, switching from staring out the window of the quick moving scenery toward the voice, her face softened in the slightest bit when her eyes landed on Isaac — but she didn't show it.

"Go ahead," Lynn replied, her eyes wavering from staring into Isaac's own to the somewhat broken leather bus seat beside her, scooting over more towards the window.

The boy dropped his backpack beside his feet, sitting down beside the girl — where their hands drifted ever so slightly over each others, but unlike before, Lynn didn't feel anything.

"How are you, um, dealing with it all?" Isaac spoke up through the tension seemingly growing, and his voice sounded awkward when it echoed through the silence.

Lynn didn't jerk her vision from the outside scenery, because she feared if she merely glanced at Isaac while talking about it, she would burst into tears right then and there. And she was tired — tired of the crying and tired of the emotions, she just wanted to lock it up in the back of her mind and never think about it again.

"Fine," Lynn answered after a second of hesitation, her dry lips hardly even separating as she mumbled.

"It's alright to not be fine, Lynn, you don't have to—"

"—I said I'm fine, didn't I?" Snapped Lynn as she interrupted the boy, a violent, angry expression covering her face was she made eye contact with Isaac, who quickly dropped his gaze in embarrassment.

If Lynn wasn't going through a roller coaster of emotions, she surely would've apologized for her sudden harsh outburst, but she didn't have the energy to even muster a weak apology.

The two werewolves were quiet for a few minutes then, where Isaac began to fiddle with his fingertips nervously and Lynn just kept a blank expression on her face while her eyes trailed the road outside.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓, 𝘥. 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦Where stories live. Discover now