Na Zdorovie

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"So... I'm back to driving again," Benny said.
"YOU'LL DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!" Paulie quickly yelled back from the rear passenger seat, followed by a jump scare from everyone in the car.
"Jesus Paulie," Benny whispered.
"Whata da fuck, why you al-ways eh scream?" Furio had his hands up in typical fashion. "BECAUSE AS FAR AS THE FEDS ARE CONCERNED, I'M THE BOSS OF THIS FAMILY! I take the risk, so I get the perks (*poiks). That's why, - you chef boyardee looking COCKsucka," everyone was laughing but at Paulie's ability to completely mischaracterize someone for the sake of a joke.
"Que coza, mafangul! I don'ta look like-a chef boyardee!" The confusion on Furio's face was real.
With a finger up, "Well you do to me my friend!" Paulie insisted, glaring at him with his face turned to the side.
Furio, not sure how to respond, became quiet for a single second, and then, "Well then you stupida like-a Borackobama and look likea de Joe Biden!"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Paulie was making his half-dazed boxer face which had Benny laughing his ass off, smacking the wheel as he began to drive.
Little Paulie, also in the back, was squeezed in between Furio and Big Paulie and was scared shitless that he'd get on either one of their nerves.
"OK, OK! Can we all calm down please???" he said softly, which was met with hostility from each side of him.
The only one not paying attention was Patsy, who was in the passenger seat again. He was ignoring everyone else in the car by concentrating on writing a Tweet, but internally, he was wondering if this was going to be his last day on Earth or not.
They all had to know by now, he thought, Meadow was too smart to not know that the person in her outfit working for the feds was him; but he tried pushing the thought that they were putting on a show in order to keep him calm, out of his mind for now.
The crew were on their way to a sitdown with George Paglieri on,
1. the status of 'This Thing' in terms of how powerful the DeMio Family had recently gotten, especially after the disruption that they, the now newly re-dubbed "Soprano Family," had caused in Jersey, which had lasting effects all across the money split from the different unions in New

York, the gambling split across the nation and the power share between all of the Families in New England,
2. The detail that Slava had been the one to hit Tony Soprano needed to be dealt with, and only George could tell them how and how far they could go to deal with it.
This last point of business was particularly distressing, seeing as the Russians were much bigger than they used to be in the 90's. The last thing anyone wanted was an all out war, but no one could deny, if they wanted to, New York still had the numbers to deal with the Russians - and they might need those numbers if it came to that.
Meadow was too busy taking care of other business to go herself, and Paulie was only too eager to help. But still, things weren't sitting right with Patsy, and it seemed like the perfect storm of shit needed for them to take him out as well if need be.
So he was doing something he rarely did, which was biting his nails.
"You ok there, P?" Benny asked, a bit caught off guard by Patsy's current display of weakness. Patsy didn't even know he was being asked a question.
"Never mind that," Paulie said, "we need to do two things when we get to George's bar in Soho..."
"Yea, little P's gotta get eyes across the street and...," Benny began but couldn't finish.
"YOU DON'T SEE I'M FUCKING TELLIN IT??" Paulie already had his reverse Karate Chop hand up in the air.
"Alright, alright, fuck Paulie, why are you so bent out of shape today anyway?" Benny turned on 17th and looked towards the back to face him using just his peripherals.
That's when he noticed the black Range Rover.
No one else saw the two men inside, one in the passenger, one in the back passenger-side, loading up their AK's.
"Because...," Paulie began, but before he could say another word, two shots had already hit him. The first one through his cheek, running through the back of his mouth beside his molars and blowing out the front, taking half his top lip and two teeth with it; the other hit him just below the scapula, missing his heart by a few inches but just enough to come out spraying on the other side.
The next shot killed Little Paulie instantly. The bullet went through his brain so fast that the last thought in his mind rang out to Kevin Cullen, the Psychic, almost half a state away; disturbing him while he ate lunch with his wife and kids.
Two more shots broke through the already shattered rear windshield, missing Furio who was screaming bloody murder in Italian and texting Volante furiously on his phone.
"DRIVE, KID! FU-CK-IN DRIVE!" Patsy had his own .38 Snub in hand already, but no-shot. All he could do was duck at the whizzing of bullets and spraying of glass and blood.
Benny was driving in zig zags and turning corners like a formula 1 driver, but he jumped in surprise when the first of three bullets went right through his back seat and out his abdomen, like lightning.

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