Sometimes, We're All Hypocrites

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The news that Annalisa Zucca had checked in via a private hanger at JFK into the United States of America made the hairs on the back of Agent Friday stand up and salute while whistling.
Chief Sanseverino was rolling heads for not catching onto this sooner, blaming Interpol for not doing their fucking job and announcing it via their secure lines. As always. Fucking Interpol.

Because of this, her task force was now in line to get a huge bump in their budget, but there were developments in their favor, and also against.
The first development, one definitely in their favor, was 'The Woman From Caserta' addition, as they were calling her. This woman was an informant flipped by Special Agents Ryan Grazio and Meghan Blunt, but the word was it didn't take much to flip her. The release of her real name, Jennifer Melfie, was being held in secret from everyone except her, Sanseverino, and the Agents who brought her in who knew who Caserta really was.
The second development was the appearance of a rat in their midst, something Sanseverino had already mentioned from the day she sized Meadow up at the Plaza's bar lounge.
"Whoever comes to you wanting to know more than's been given, this is the rat, mark my words," the Chief had told her after arriving from that mission a bit loaded and a whole lot of pissed.
The situation would not have been so severe had she not already figured out who Meadow had on the payroll; which was none other than Adam Pontz. She realized it when he asked for more than he should've during a coffee break.
"So who is it?" He had asked nonchalantly, "who's this Caserta everyone keeps talking about?"

Pontz had tried his best to keep his cool but didn't clinch it in the end and Friday was pretty sure that he knew that she knew that he had blown his own cover a little bit.
This would all have to be in her new report to Sanseverino on Monday.
This was heartbreaking for many reasons, but mainly because the signs had already been there and no one had taken the time to look.
Adam's wife was a stage 3 breast cancer survivor. The department had a great medical plan to help the bureau's agents in situations like this, except for the help that comes afterwards like physical training and post-op depression.
Both of Adam's wife's breast had been taken, so her post-op PT and mental recovery was all on him, but worse, the damage the cancer did on her body after it metastasized had reached as far back as her spinal cord, leaving her with walking difficulties.
Meadow must have had PI's perform work ups on Sanseverino's whole department on day one, something her father would've never have thought to do.
Kaitlin was wrong however, it had been part of Meadow's plan, yes, but it was Silvio who had put that tail in motion before he passed away.
The third and most unfortunate development from a casework standpoint was the double turn-coating of Patsy Parisi.
"Fuck!" The Chief had screamed, knowing they had lost a real asset to the Bureau and possibly the best informant they'd ever had. As good as Patsy was for them, it was all predicated on his turning witness and testifying once RICO was established against the Soprano crew.
With his return to Omertà, all bets were off.
Kaitlin had been the first to notice it as he was bringing in bullshit info, like a rookie, all of a sudden. His snide remarks and comments were the icing on the cake, along with that fuck-you smirk he was so famous for, made for a very telling tale of what had happened behind the scenes. Patsy had been more than re-turned, he'd been radicalized. Turned true believer, there was no amount of money and or jail time that could be offered in exchange for testimony from a radical. Somehow, Meadow had done just this. And Fuck Adam Pontz for having been correct.

It had been April of 2019 when this whole ordeal with Soprano had begun, with newspapers falling in love with the idea that the era of #MeToo was so prevalent that it was even affecting the mob. As if that were a thing to be proud of.
But people were, and with that kind of press had come 99 problems, as her power plays on New York had caused such a commotion in the news that she had become legitimized. There was no going back here, like the age of Barack Obama, a black president had been voted in 8 years prior to 2017 and there was no going back to the way things were for the United States government either. Pretty soon they'd have a woman President up there, or at least, who knows, maybe Vice President.
Now, with Zucca arriving in town, it seemed even less so that things would go back to normal, but rather, it seemed very likely that all hell was going to break loose. If the Dixie Chicks, the nickname Zucca and Soprano had garnered around the office, came out on top of this brewing war, the golden age of the mafia would officially be at an end. 

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