Love is Spelled RAT-AT-TAT-TAT. Rat.

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Patsy was as hard as they come. He was as dedicated as they come. But he had already lost a brother to this cocksucker, and he wasn't about to lose a son too.

At the time Robyn was but a special agent, but got three promotions in 6 years out of flipping Patsy Parisi, who was a gold mine for the Bureau after the capo Raymond Curto passed away by heart attack. The way she flipped Patsy was actually incredibly simple, she used all of the FBI's knowledge on how they turned Carlo, and then perfected it; taking down his son Jason for illegal betting and then pitting the crime against Patsy's loyalties.
His brother was a casualty, sure, but it was still his brother and it's not like he could forget. But his son? No.

No way in hell.

And so that is how Patsy became the best (worst?) informant in that crew's history. Patsy had come in to drop off the monthly usb sticks and do a walkthrough of the audio files that were on them; but today he was a bit jerky and wanted to speak to the chief directly.
"Listen to me, Chief San-severino, I don't give a good goddamn what you or your people think. You trying to get me fucking clipped?"
Meghan set a coffee a hand's length away from him on the desk and proceeded to address his concerns, "nobody's getting clipped Pat. Listen, we can't bring you in right now, ok? Maybe if you were still reporting on Silvio, then maybe; but you know as well as I do that we missed our chance to indict when Silvio died and now you're basically back to square one."
"Basically back to what?!" Patsy stood up in a fit of rage and Pontz stood up with him, showing off that no matter his suspenders, he was still twice the size as Patsy, at half the age and double the muscle.
"Look," Patsy sat down again after smirking at and daring Pontz with his eyes," I gave a lot of information that had nothing to do with Sil. I'm sure I could come in on that strength of that alone."
"That's not how this works Pat," Sanseverino said from behind her big desk, "we need to build a RICO, and until that happens the weight of everything you've got going for you doesn't mean jack or diddly. We want Soprano."
Patsy grasped his hair, hard.
"Soprano. It's like I'm being haunted. You don't understand, this cunt is gonna kill me, I can already feel her eyes on me when we're together. You haven't been around her, I have. She isn't like her dad. Hell, she isn't even like anybody we've ever seen before. That's what makes this so crazy. You know what this crazy bitch has done?"
"Ease up with the language, ok Pat?" Sanseverino scrunched her face at his tastelessness.
"She's fucking got an entire crew of Sicilian greaseball cocksuckers that are twice as hard as Furio ever was in his prime. She's got two, TWO! fucking ghouls shadowing her wherever she goes, and a life insurance policy that beats anything— get this, if anyone kills her without cause now that she's the boss? The Camorra on the other side send a Sicilian death squad over. What the fuck? What the fuck does she think this is, a movie?"
"No, she doesn't think she's in a movie. She's smart, that's all. She's smart,"
"She's a sociopath," Meghan interrupted him, "She's a lawyer," Pontz retorted, "That's even worse. She's gonna be a tough nut to crack," Pontz said to himself more than anyone in the room.
"That's why I need you to bring me in and put us in witsec. Meadow isn't like her dad, him we could read cuz he was the normal goombah type. This girl? She's no idiot. To be honest I don't think anyone knows what the fuck she is yet. But she ain't stupid, I can tell you that right now. I just don't understand how she didn't show any of this crazy before when she was dating my son."
Sanseverino nodded at Pontz and then tilted her head for him to follow her out the room. Out in the hall she handed him a coffee, "This is more serious that I thought."
"Why's that?" Pontz took a sip.
"Why's that? What are you kidding me? He's freaking out in there, you don't see it? That man is one good scare from becoming a flight risk."
"Really? Patsy Parisi? Come on," Pontz wasn't convinced.
"Age. Age will do that to you. He's not looking to die now that he's made it this far in the game. Either way," The Chief said.
"You really think Meadow Soprano has got that kind of sociopathic behavior pent up inside like Meghan thinks? Her character profile sure doesn't indicate that," Pontz threw the empty coffee cup into the waste bin out in the hall.
"Well regardless, I want you to set up the works, get her phones tapped, etc. It's time to get medieval on her ass."

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