Thing #1 and Thing #2

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Brian finished off his last shot of tequila with a little bit of lime, raising the empty glass high up above everyone else's. They were cheering for him, and those that weren't wanted to know who he was and what he had done to deserve such praise from the men around him.

In reality it wasn't all that much. He had stood up to a few made guys at the site after one of them had punched Billy Hillsgate in the mouth for asking a stupid question. The made guys had stepped back up to him, and his co-workers had stepped up even harder, to the point that the made guys ran out when his people started a riot. How was this possible? Well, it's because the made guys were Soprano men, and everyone and their mother knew that you don't really need to be scared of anyone named Soprano anymore.
So what did they do? They came back and tried to bust up a protest using force, instead of politics. The media caught the tail end of the Jersey crew running away and suddenly Brian knew there wasn't a congressman out there that would touch this with a ten foot pole. That's when he got his courage. It wasn't the moment everyone saw what he could do for them. It wasn't the moment that he realized the sorry lot had buckled for years under mobster rule until him, and it for sure wasn't what everyone was thinking; that he was doing this for his old man after what Feech LaManna did to him. He hated his old man. Not for being weak, but for being too proud and hanging himself that same year.

Now here they were, his boys and him drinking under red neon lights, hot off the tail of a national news story. One that had him front and center saying a big fuck you to those Jersey assholes that were still playing at cops and robbers.
Brian looked around, big grins everywhere. Everyone was happy, and so was he. So what if he had told those mob lawyers to go fuck themselves. I mean, that Meadow girl was ok as far as lawyers go, but damn if she wasn't a dumb cunt if she actually thought she could shove that deal down my throat. Still, maybe I'll give her a call later and see if she wants me to shove something else down her throat.


Brian walked up the steps, bouncing off the walls like a pin ball machine, even dropping his keys down half a flight when he was almost at his place. Unlocking the door meant one of his cats was immediately at his feet, rubbing the side of its body against his leg.
"Hey there you," He said to Fitz, the white and black calico he had owned for nearly a decade. "Where's Gerald?" he asked, picking him up and kissing him on the whiskers. "Huh? Where is he?"
Brian looked around a bit, turning on lights as he went from room to room, but couldn't find his cat. The buzz went away nearly instantaneously. When he came back to the doorway, Gerald was right there. He must have gotten through his legs and out the open door and then come back in.
"Holy shit am I drunk," he said to himself and chuckled. The two cats followed him into the kitchen where he prepared their meal, and then he took a hot shower and got ready for bed. It had been a good day, and he was deservedly smiling because of it just before telling his Google Home to 'Turn Off House lights.' He didn't though, because that's when he heard the creak.
He knew his cats were too light on their feet for it, and worse, his cats were on the bed with him. He uncovered himself and went out to his living room to see what was going on, but when he flipped the light switch on, there was no one there. What is wrong with me? He thought and went back into his room where Justin Blundetto was half sitting, half laying on his bed, legs crossed, stroking Fitz's back.
"WHOA WHAT THE FUCK!?" He yelled.
"Hey Brian, where's my money?" Justin said, doing his best Stewie Griffin impersonation. Like father, like son.
"What??" Brian nearly screamed in exasperation, looking around and not seeing Jason anywhere.
"See? The Godfather was your day I guess, but my generation? We got stuck with dumb shit like Sponge Bob and Family Guy," Justin stroked the cat softly, his eyes closing up and it's motor purring loudly.
"Dude... what the fuck are you doing in my house??" Brian asked, but his heart was racing and that was a new feeling for him.
"Well no man, I mean we wanted to finish talking to you about what Meadow had been proposing," Justin lifted his hands up for a moment, emphasizing the black gloves on his hands. The cat lifted his head for more petting and Justin laughed it off with an "Aww."

Brian began backing up into the hallway.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jason's out there and bro, he's nothing like me, peaceful like, but still, he was the one that got the double dose of dad's bad side. Right now I just want to talk," he took the cat by the scruff of it's neck and lifted it up by one hand, "don't scream ok? I just want to show you I'm being serious," his face was normal, like that of a bagger Brian knew at his local market. Justin picked up a black silenced 9mm he had had sitting next to him, unbeknownst to Brian, placed the muzzle of the gun on the side of the cat and in the next moment the sound famous for a silenced shot came out and the cat was blown towards the wall, spraying across it on impact. The reasonable comparisons within his mind in order to stay calm stopped.
"Oh god.... oh god... please," Brian pleaded, but immediately he knew that he had messed up, and in all the places where.
"Well," Justin pointed at him, "see it's just that. Respect bro, you didn't really show any of it tonight. I mean, sure that's not a reason to kill you, no one but your lackey saw you talk to the Boss that way, but..."
"What? I treated Paulie with respect..." he shot back, momentarily forgetting his situation.
"See it was stuff like that right there that got you in to trouble in the first place.  All the fucking interrupting. Now... I wasn't talking about Paulie, was I," Justin looked at him hard.
It wasn't until after a few long moments that Brian got it, you could even see as he had worked it out on his face, and when he did, Justin did a flick of his eye brows as if to say "Now you got it."

Jason came up from behind without a sound and wrapped wire tightly around Brian's neck, picking him up off the ground, choking sounds filling the room.
"We wouldn't kill you for that anyway but hey, sometimes a message needs to be sent, and I think this is it," Justin stood up off the bed, "In my dad's day he was known as the grim fuckin reaper himself man... but not so much when he got out of jail. Jesus he couldn't even kill a guy without getting his foot ran over. I guess age will do that to a man. We heard that after that, stepping on shit became known as a 'Blundetto.'"

Justin tossed the 9 mil back on the bed while saying, "To be honest, that's a hard thing for a couple of little boys to live down, or grown men to live up to depending on your perspective."
Jason smirked at his brother when he grabbed a brand new can of oven cleaner from out of his trench coat.
"Here. Let's go ahead and start changing the meaning of that phrase again. I'm thinking a Blundetto needs a little bit of redefining. Don't you think?" said Justin while shaking the can.

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