Intermission 1.5

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Hey everyone, quick interruption in programming to let you know I'll be ending the season (or whatever you call it) after 5 more chapters and then taking a much needed long break. However, please know that this doesn't mean I'm not going to be writing. In fact, I have a sci-fi original story I'd like to tell during the Sopranos hiatus that I hope is just as compelling to you as this has been (more so even cuz it's mine 😅) so I'll have more info on that after the last chapter of the season.
To get you excited, here are the names of the next chapters coming as I see them (always subject to change), make of them what you will as I won't spoil the fun for anybody 😆. And as always, if you feel you'd like to contribute to keeping me "on the air" please feel free to go to Patreon and searching the word SNAKBLE, or simply by going to (sorry it doesn't give me an option to create a link 😭

Stay safe during these crazy times!
Jim Figueroa

Next Chapters:

- Love is spelled RAT-AT-TAT-TAT. Rat.
- The Return of the King
- Burnt Hair and Horses
- The Odd Couple
- The Battle of the Bastard

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